--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> On Behalf Of Tom
> Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2008 3:46 PM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Monitors
> I received a call at my work a year or two ago that I found strange. The
> caller said he was 
> calling on behalf of the local TM center. Might have mentioned he was
> purusha. He had 
> one of those affected voices that I always found somewhat troubling. Kinda
> like the lead 
> in on the old 70's tapes. "The dawning of the AAAAAAAAge of
> Eeeennnnnnnlightenment". 
> Otherworldly. He asked me a series of questions about my involvement with
> "The 
> Movement". I explained that I really didn't have a very high opinion of the
> "Movement" 
> and what I had seen of national leaders such as Bevan and Haglin was not
> very positive. 
> Might have even gone so far as to refer to Bevan as pompous and "his
> immensity". Oops. 
> Referred to liking the people running the local center very much but felt
> the "Movement" 
> was flakey, disorganized, inefficient, and at the root of why they were not
> more 
> successful. I had not had much contact with the center since I was very put
> off when they 
> wanted me to sign legal documents helping create the Natural Law Party
> entity in our 
> state. Explaining that I still valued "the teachings" I had received and
> continued my 
> practice then bid him a good day, wished him good luck and good bowling. It
> was clear 
> he was making notes, perhaps adding to a file.
> At any time during this conversation did you have the impulse to ask the guy
> who he thought he was asking all these questions, and hang up on him?

Most definitely! That impulse was strong. My nature is not to suffer fools 
gladly. Pitta ya 
know. He caught me flat footed in a work mindset and once I got a feeling for 
where he 
was going, my wish was to let him run and see how big an idiot he really 
was.....all my 
expectations were exceeded.    

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