Tom's little anecdote recounted below is the reason I post 

I haven't been on a TM course in a decade or so but I always 
entertain the fantasy of going back on a course at some point.  I 
have had really incredible experiences on courses and want to have 
that option available to me.

Plus I have a profound fear of rejection.

--- In, "Tom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I received a call at my work a year or two ago that I found 
strange. The caller said he was 
> calling on behalf of the local TM center. Might have mentioned he 
was purusha. He had 
> one of those affected voices that I always found somewhat 
troubling. Kinda like the lead 
> in on the old 70's tapes. "The dawning of the AAAAAAAAge of 
> Otherworldly. He asked me a series of questions about my 
involvement with "The 
> Movement". I explained that I really didn't have a very high 
opinion of the "Movement" 
> and what I had seen of national leaders such as Bevan and Haglin 
was not very positive. 
> Might have even gone so far as to refer to Bevan as pompous 
and "his immensity". Oops. 
> Referred to liking the people running the local center very much 
but felt the "Movement" 
> was flakey, disorganized, inefficient, and at the root of why they 
were not more 
> successful. I had not had much contact with the center since I was 
very put off when they 
> wanted me to sign legal documents helping create the Natural Law 
Party entity in our 
> state. Explaining that I still valued "the teachings" I had 
received and continued my 
> practice then bid him a good day, wished him good luck and good 
bowling. It was clear 
> he was making notes, perhaps adding to a file.
> I later wondered what would happen if I ever visited Fairfield 
again and tried to obtain a 
> badge for the dome. A strong feeling was in my gut as to the 
outcome. Didn't dwell on it 
> long as it didn't bother me.
>  Later still I discovered this forum. Reading early posts to get 
acquainted, I was not really 
> surprised by the actions that seemed to give FFL its birth. Somehow 
I picked up on the 
> vibe long ago and never really discussed any other experiences 
or "visits with saints" with 
> movement folks. Never hid those things, just never brought up the 
> And so it goes.
> :You pay your money and you take your chance....." Bruce Cockburn
> Azgrey
> --- In, "curtisdeltablues" 
<curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> >
> > The idea that they have to wade through my nonsense here really is
> > rich!  I suppose they compile little lists of dissidents and read 
> > to each other in quiet, quiet voices. Oh the pain of having to put
> > their precious "attention" on such negativity!  (I guess I do 
> > have some movement authority issues after all these years...)
> > 
> > No wonder so many people feel compelled to post anonymously here. 
> > cuz you are paranoid doesn't mean someone isn't really out to get 
> > 
> > I'm gunna guess that their purpose isn't to take suggestions from
> > anyone here about anything. What with their "knowingness" and 
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --- In, "Rick Archer" <rick@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Someone in the know told me that MUM has 2-3 people assigned to
> > monitor FFL.
> > > (Hi there, monitors!) What they do with the information I don't 
> > > Probably depends on the information. At the very least, I 
> > they find
> > > it useful to know what info is hitting the streets. I've 
> > gotten
> > > the sense that certain constructive changes have taken place as 
> > result of
> > > topics being discussed here. For instance, for years we were 
> > on the
> > > perennial fundraising to bring pundits who never came (although 
> > > discussion wasn't limited to FFL). Maybe that had something to 
> > with their
> > > finally coming.

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