On Feb 24, 2008, at 6:00 PM, cardemaister wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The only thing is Card, saMyama in the Kashmir Shaivite system of
> meditation has a different meaning than in the YS/yoga-darshana.
> believe the last acharya of that tradition, Sw. Lakshman Joo
> this in his commentary on the SS.

Is it perhaps any one of these mentioned by Monier-Williams:

saMyama m. holding together , restraint , control , (esp.) control
of the senses , self-control Mn. MBh. &c. ; tying up (the hair)
Sa1h. ; binding , fettering VarBr2S. ; closing (of the eyes)
Ma1rkP. ; concentration of mind (comprising the performance of
Dha1ran2a1 , Dhya1na , and Sama1dhi , or the last three stages in
Yoga) Yogas. Sarvad. ; effort , exertion (%{A4} , with great
difficulty "') MBh. ; suppression i.e. destruction (of the world)
Pur. ; N. of a son of Dhu1mra7ksha (and father of Kr2is3a7s3va)
BhP. ; %{-dhana} mfn. rich in self-restraint MBh. ; %{-puNya-tIrtha}
mfn. having restraint for a holy place of pilgrimage MBh. ; %{-vat}
mfn. self-controlled , parsimonious , economical Katha1s. ; %{-
mAgni} m. the fire of abstinence Bhag. ; %{-mA7mbhas} n. the flood
of water at the end of the world BhP.

None of the above. Most of the technical terms of the Trika/Kashmir Shaivism etc. will not be found in standard dictionaries.

However you may find them in a Tantrikabhidanakosha such as found here. I haven't received mine yet, but from the excerpt, it appears it will have Trika and other tantric terms.

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