--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> **************************************************
> Your stallion trots on the sllppery ice,
> over deep-frozen and nearly-frozen water.
> When you move toward the beauty of a new lover,
> be careful that your secret legs
> don't scatter and fall!
> **************************************************

Coleman chose a line from this one as the title
of his book of translations of the Turquoise Bee's
songs. Good choice, IMO. It captures the precarious 
nature of the path of the spiritual seeker who 
chooses to seek outside of a lineage. 

Lineages are comforting. You're surrounded by all 
these folks who believe that the lineage holders
had a clue, and that as a result some cluefulness
has been bestowed on them. 

To stray outside the boundaries of a spiritual 
lineage is...uh...a little less comforting. Take
a theoretical situation; you've been in a spiritual
lineage for decades, and now the lineage holder is
gone. What's a seeker to do?

Do they continue in the lineage, even if they don't 
have the same degree of respect for the new lineage 
holders as they did for the previous ones? Or do 
they do the cosmic two-step and shift their alleg-
iance to a whole new lineage? Or, far less comfort-
ing, do they strike off lineage-less, in search of
their OWN path?

I guess I'm fascinated this week by Door Number 3.
And I'm suggesting that it isn't really as scary
as some have been led to believe. There are a few
examples of former lineagists here on FFL who, for
one reason or another, have struck off on their
own, and who no longer rely on someone else to
show them the way. Instead they're finding their 
own Way.

I'm not advocating any of the three doors. They
lead wherever they lead, and each seeker is free
to choose which of them appeals most to him or
her. I'm just suggesting that Door Number Three
isn't nearly as scary as some would have you 
believe. And, based on the example of the folks 
here who have chosen to walk through it, there 
may be some benefits to forging your own path, 
rather than following the well-worn path of 

Just keep your secret legs beneath you, and 
you'll be fine.

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