--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mar 27, 2008, at 12:22 PM, Sal Sunshine wrote:
> > OK, Judy, the last article I posted on this topic was from Cenk  
> > Uygyr of the Huffington Post.  This is from an even more MSM  
> > journalist, Maureen Dowd, who I imagine is your patron saint.
> Oops...make that #3, Judy.  According to Nicholas Kristof:
> "Mr. Bredesen is urging superdelegates (he's one) to hold a primary  
> in June, so that a winner would be chosen in time to begin a healing  
> process before the convention.
> Instead, the battle is getting bloodier. Mrs. Clinton spoke this week  
> about the contest continuing for "the next three months" — and those  
> would surely be a toxic three months. There's already grumbling that  
> Mrs. Clinton's real strategy is to destroy Mr. Obama's chances of  
> winning the general election so that she can compete in 2012."
> http://tinyurl.com/2p962j
> Sal
Judy prolly wants Cenk Uyger, Mr. Bredesen,  
and Nicholas Kristof dead too. She is as 
toxic as Mrs. Clinton. 

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