>--- dhamiltony2k5 wrote:
> Evidently what we have here in FF is an old recurring American 
> tradition in transcendental criticism by contrast with ongoing 
> material modernism.  Is very American actually and an old theme.

We have some literate people here. Can anyone recommend a 
good book or two on utopian communities in America? I'd be 
interested in histories as well as investigations of present-day 
communities. Either or both.

I wonder how the United States compares to other nations in 
their tendency to generate alternative living experiments. Do 
the Russians and Ugandans and French and Chinese have the 
equivalents of the Oneida Community, Brook Farm, New 
Harmony and other such utopian communities in their histories?

I would think an appraisal of other communities, past and 
present, could show Fairfield's spiritual aspirants where their 
town is headed.

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