--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "claudiouk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 wrote:
> God helps he who helps himself. Helping onself is the ultimate 
> compassion.
> I am somewhat surprised at the responses I've got. If a child 
> unfairly grabs someone else's biscuit - all other things being 
> (satiation/starvation levels, points on the Maslow scale etc) - one 
> would try to make it aware of the wrongness of the action, the 
> distress it's causing the other child etc. One wouldn't applaud the 
> action as a paragon of compassion. There are psychpaths walking 
> around, often very successful because of their ruthlessness, that 
> just grown-up extreme versions of such a child. 
> Yes behaviour is object oriented, and one is responding to internal 
> moral criteria, compliance to which might be "rewarding" per se 
> therefore at root "selfish", but this way of thinking, whilst 
> accurate technically, is ultimately unproductive in generating MORE 
> altruistic behaviour in society (which presumably we agree is a 
> thing?). Also I do think that in nature there is as much altruism 
> be found as selfishness. At a cellular level one finds co-
> suicide for the good of the whole etc. Parents in most species 
> sacrifice themselves for their offspring (and yes I know about the 
> selfish gene but that's not the whole story). 
> Even from an SCI perspective one would expect more altruistic 
> behaviours arising from the Maharishi Effect alone, as a function 
> increased coherence and entanglement. True, realization of the Self 
> is the ultimate spirituality, but that's not the same as the "self" 
> just helping itself regardless - that would be selfishness, not 
> altruism or wholeness. So perhaps we need to distinguish two 
> dimensions - vertically, the more "Self" the more good; 

There is an effect that transcendens the individual. That is when the 
individual consciously, with determitation, ignores his surroundings 
and focus on himself. Isolation will help. In that wholeness 
verticality becomes horizontality - then there is no more or 
less "self". 
In all the years of training this is just what Maharishi had us do; 
forget yourself and become everything. 
Many here on FFL know this. Just as many wish they never heard the 
word because, like me sometimes, they wonder if they measured up.

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