On Apr 20, 2008, at 3:29 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

Hillary is just showing America how she would behave if she were president and it that alone will lose the race for her. We have a disorganized mess running things right now so why would we want another?

Because all that matters to Hillary is Hillary, Bhair...and the
rest of us should just get with the program and stop
whining about what a god-awful candidate she's turned
out to be, and how horrendous and scattered her campaign
has been, with no Plan B, along with a Plan A in total disarray.
After all, nobody could have predicted Obama, right?
I mean, there's only hundreds of qualified Dems in the House and
Senate, and there was a pretty good chance
that one might get it into his or her silly head to actually run, but Hill's
nom was so inevitable that she didn't need no stinkin'
Plan B, dammit.  Her mighty charisma along
with 90s nostalgia would just carry the day.
 And this Obama interloper should
realize that and either just step aside or treat her with
kid gloves, and above all stop running such an effective campaign.
He's younger and can run next time or the time after that,
so what's his problem, you know?


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