> Well, it will be interesting to see when the counter-punching 
> to happen.  Their first nite they defined spirituality and 
> contrasting that with doctrinal religion gave bloody nose to 
> institutional religion.   

This just in...


The culture war,
 Fundi X-ians form skirmish lines opposite Spiritual Newage:

 "First Christian Church Pastor in Fairfield gave the classic "our 
way or the highway" sermon- that Jesus is the only way, beware the 
false prophet etc. She mentioned Oprah: "the church of Oprah" and 
also Marianne Williamson.

I have read some of A New Earth and find this book wonderful, like 
the Course in Miracles it is another expression/technique of 
disentangling from the illusion we've become identified with.

I was asking and practicing non-judgment during the sermon, but this 
gal is quite rigid- `Jesus as the only way'."
>end paste<

> Another nite they took on materialism and modernism giving black-
> eyes.  
> Last class they gave bloody nose to alopathic psychiatry.  
> Is incredible secular spiritual teaching and consul.  Guided group 
> medition with, 11 million people?  Is sure to draw some fire from 
> interests under attack.
> Would people who watch the program and practice the technique of 
> these other spiritual teachers be, barred from the domes?  Bring a 
> log of your internet activity to re-new your badge for meditation 
> the dome?
> Jai Guru Dev, 
> -Doug in FF  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley" 
> <j_alexander_stanley@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5"
> > <dhamiltony2k5@> wrote:
> > >
> > > I ran in to a local phone co. repairperson this morning in
> > > Fairfield & it was said the system got overloaded last nite
> > > with people listening to the live Tolle download.
> > 
> > I've been enjoying the Oprah/Tolle webcasts, but I don't even 
> > trying to watch them live. I download the high-quality QuickTime
> > videos the next day from their download site:
> > 
> > 
> >

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