Duveyoung wrote:
> I could use a little more fleshing out of your WTF.
WTF are you playing the race card with Judy for 
in a political debate? I guess that makes you slime. 
That's what slim do: they play the race card, or the 
'war monger' card, or the you're a 'pedophile' card, 
or the 'you're nuts' card, instead of having a rational 
conversation. So, you're slime and you work at it 
really hard. Is that enough 'fleshing out' for you?

> > > Yeah, you piece of slime, that must be why I
> > > said, among several other expressions of support
> > > for Rev. Wright, "Wright is absolutely on target
> > > as far as I'm concerned." I mean, only a racist
> > > would say that, right?
> > > 
> > > And I've been quite explicit any number of times
> > > about why I'm angry. So if you read my posts, you
> > > have a whole lot more than a clue, you have the
> > > clear and unambiguous answer.
> > > 
> > > But I'm sure you can sink lower and exude some
> > > more slime if you just work at it a little.
> > >

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