Sal, I think that Michael Moore may be overstating the Clinton/Wright 
penitent/priest relationship.  There was a Youtube video,

that shows Bill Clinton shaking hands with Rev. Wright who was one of 
dozens of clergy invited to a very public prayer breakfast just as 
the Ken Starr report was being released, but I don't think that there 
was anything of a spiritual advisor relationship more established 
than that.

The commentary in the video is from an MSNBC edition of Countdown, I 


--- In, Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> On Apr 21, 2008, at 9:40 AM, Marek Reavis wrote:
> > Thanks for posting this, Louis.
> I agree, Marek--a great one.  I especially like this part:
> > Seriously, I know so many people who don't care if the name
> under the Big "D" is Dancer, Prancer, Clinton or Blitzen. It can be
> Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Barry Obama or the Dalai Lama.
> >   Well, that sounded good last year, but over the past two months,
> the actions and words of Hillary Clinton have gone from being merely
> disappointing to downright disgusting. I guess the debate last week
> was the final straw. I've watched Senator Clinton and her husband
> play this game of appealing to the worst side of white people, but
> last Wednesday, when she hurled the name "Farrakhan" out of nowhere,
> well that's when the silly season came to an early end for me. She
> said the "F" word to scare white people, pure and simple.
> And this:
> > Finally, I want to say a word about the basic decency I have
> seen in Mr. Obama. Mrs. Clinton continues to throw the Rev. Wright
> up in his face as part of her mission to keep stoking the fears of
> White America. Every time she does this I shout at the TV, "Say it,
> Obama! Say that when she and her husband were having marital
> difficulties regarding Monica Lewinsky, who did she and Bill bring
> to the White House for 'spiritual counseling?' THE REVEREND JEREMIAH
> >   But no, Obama won't throw that at her. It wouldn't be right. It
> wouldn't be decent. She's been through enough hurt. And so he
> remains silent and takes the mud she throws in his face.
> Didn't realize Wright had actually been to the Clinton WH.  Hmmm,
> sure says a lot about Hillary's ability to not only pander, but
> also to kick someone who was once somewhat of a spiritual
>   advisor to her.
> Sal

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