--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hugheshugo wrote:
> > I need to be convinced that there is anything to it by way
> > of a good reading that would reveal things I'd never told and
> > make accurate predictions, even if only about trends. However
> > this mechanism may function, until I can tell the signal from 
> > the noise I will doubt that my analysis is a strawman.
> The best way to test Jyotish is to learn it.  Use something easy 
> the System's Approach which is easy to learn and pretty much based 
> Parashara anyway.   Unlike other approaches it is a distillation of 
> rules that Parashara laid out which I believe were a compilation of 
> way astrology was a practiced at the time in India.  My only doubts 
> that the planets except for the Moon and Sun have little effect on 
> lives and that astrology is tracking natural cycles that the 
> provided handy markers for.  I have never found someone who has 
given me 
> proper birthtime to be off as far as their profession and their 
> at it nor problems relating to bad planetary cycles.  It is also 
not an 
> exact science though we have a lot of jyotishis who think it is 
(down to 
> the minute).  Think of it more like a "weather report."  But it is 
> abstract than the (not so) Amazing Randi would have you think.  :)

So far, I wouldn't say it was science at all. But if you
have some software and enough experience to be confident
I'll send you my birth details and we can do an experiment.

I'm not convinced anything has happened to me emotionally
or career wise that I couldn't account for just by looking
at myself and what's happened, influences from parents, school
etc. So the idea that planets can act as markers would mean
someone with my birth chart could have predicted all of it,
otherwise things wouldn't match up; I'd be able to look
back and see things that came out of nowhere. In short, 
it should be obvious that I've been dancing on the strings
of unseen powers rather than subject to the cause and effect
of a life lived among other people just making it up as they
go along.

I'm up for the experiment, sounds like fun. Whaddya think?

I've always been a fan of Randi, he put his money where his
mouth is, $1,000,000 to be precise, and never had anyone
convince him there is anything supernatural going on. 
Could've been a money spinner for the TMO I always thought.

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