--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "hugheshugo" 
> Here's a true story;
> I know a girl who has suffered from chronic fatigue syndrome
> for twenty years, this is a serious auto-immune disorder and has
> stopped her ever having a job or doing what she wants, and she
> is very bright and motivated. When she went to see a jyotishee
> she obviously expected some sort of news about when (if) she
> would make a recovery. After an hour of generalities and glib
> personality analysis the jyotishee asked if she had any questions.
> One, she said, when is my health going to improve? The chap
> checked his chart and said there was nothing wrong with her health.
> She got her money back. And I just felt more justified in my 
> scepticism.

Your story proves nothing. 

The experts doing Jyotish must master it completely otherwise it is 
of limited practical value. They should be from a long line of 
generations of professional Jyotishjis so that the many difficult 
levels of intellect have been transcended by their forefathers. This 
is Jyotish MahaPragya - to own the knowledge. Like a carpenter whos 
father and father before him passed on all those small details that 
makes the work easy, more effective. It becomes automatic, like for 
example when you entered the room of Triguna; he did not have to take 
your pulse because he felt every detail in your bloodstream once you 
entered the room. That is the result of generations of Vedic 

I have many excellent artists in my family, but no photographers, I 
wish I had. Perhaps I will start my own tradition :-)

To be chronically tired is something a good Jyotishji certainly 
should have been able to see. 

The first wave of Jyotishjis that was going on Global Tours spent 
months in Vlodrop being tested by Purusha. Whats that word, flunked ? 
Probably 30% were simply returned to India. Nevertheless Maharishi in 
his boundless generosity, knowing their shortcomings in detail no 
doubt long before they arrived, invited them to Holland and payed all 
the expenses. Some cried in joy when the left for home having so 
freely being given the Darshan, inspiration and upliftment of their 

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