> But what does that have to do with this discussion? OHHHH you
> are still stuck in the same misconception as HUGO that this is about
> casuation. 

I am very much with you on this. It is so common to hear the argument
"astrology cannot work 'cos there is no known causal and physical
mechanism between the planets and our lives etc etc". I think I am
right in saying this was a favourite tack of the rabidly
anti-astrology British astronomer Patrick Moore (who is otherwise
wonderful of course).

A very long time ago I seem to remember reading Karl Jung's
"Synchronicity" which spelt out the alternative position that you are
giving here. It seems a perfectly reasonable view to me (and may be
true!). The fact that it is difficult to test (falsify) need not make
it irrational. Is String theory or the "multiverse" of Quantum
Mechanics any better off?

Another misconception it seems to me is that if Astrology is
"knowledge" it must be certain knowledge (the old joke about the
astrologer who gets run over by a bus and "didn't see that coming"). I
think all our knowledge is "fallible" knowledge, and so astrology
should not be faulted for that alone. 

I know little about Jytotish - but  spent a lot of time studying the I
Ching at one time. I was deeply convinced that it WAS revealing
something. Something was definitely going on. It's just that I
couldn't figure out what exactly! So I came around to the ironic view
 that Astrology can probably work, but is hardly a practical pastime

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