--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Apr 28, 2008, at 11:44 AM, curtisdeltablues wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning <no_reply@>  
> > wrote:
> >>
> > <Snip>
> >>
> >>> The final woo woo aspect is the
> >>> claim that humans could know about such a connection using 
> >>> scriptures from a pre-scientific culture who believed in many  
> >>> forms of
> >>> divination.
> >>
> >> Huh? Are you suggesting that ancient cultures bring absolutely
> > nothing > to the table? No valid knowledge of ANYTHING? Whew. We 
> > different > views there.
> >
> > I was putting my finger on the epistemological basis for the 
claims of
> > Joitish.  They come from ancient scriptures, not from any 
> > basis.
> What you're missing here is that these scriptures come from direct  
> empirical insight from the sages who wrote them. And some of these  
> are (allegedly) insights into people who would visit a particular  
> Jyotishi ( I'm speaking of the Surya or Brighu samhita style  
> Jyotishis here). For example I know a woman who was recognized as 
> reincarnation in the Shankaracharya order who presented herself to 
> reader of this type using her ordained name (a Sanskrit name), and  
> after they figured out which palm leaf related to her life, the  
> Jyotishi read it off and the palm leaf actually contained her 
> name in English. The palms leaves were hundreds of years old.
> Also consider the following--I've had readings from a yogi who 
> into brief samadhis and was able to read off my entire chart and  
> birth time without ever having any details. He was also able to 
> my life in shocking, really breathtaking detail. Any person can, 
> I know of dozens who have, go visit this guy and he'll through his  
> direct empirical insight, tell you the moment of your birth to the  
> minute. He actually "sees" the moment of your birth like a hologram.
> Now take this one step further, if there is a sage today who can 
> this, isn't it also possible sages in the past could have 
> grokked the planetary machinery as mirror of karmic weather as a 
> of rules and techniques? The difference of course is that these 
> rely on sophisticated rules and adherence to these rules to get 
> benefit, whereas the Jyotishi-sage has direct insight. There would  
> clearly be more room for error in a Jyotishi who merely is 
> to apply rules grokked by an ancient rishi.
> I would challenge anyone who's interested to meet this sage on his  
> next tour and see how you feel after that experience. How could 
> explain that someone could just, from scratch, cognize the moment 
> your birth and the precise position of planets in the sky?

It would convince me that something was going on, can you
post who he is and if he ever visits England.

> >   I was challenging that people can know about such a mechanism
> > and proposing that pre-scientific cultures tended to believe
> > assertions from priestly classes without any verification 
> >
> > There is plenty of stuff from pre-scientific cultures that has 
> > modern standards of proof. Joitish is not one of them.

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