On May 5, 2008, at 4:58 PM, sandiego108 wrote:

> Since you are the primary filter through which all input flows,
> couldn't it be said that since you are the perceiver, you are the
> creator also? No POV expressed here, but curious about *your*
> thinking...

The root tantra of the mahasandhi (dzogchen) chittavarga series  
describes our primordial nature, much like a creator, as a 'King that  
creates everything' because cit or pure mind from it's inherent energy  
(rang rtsal) emanates all the diversity of the perceived phenomenal  
universe. The nature of this diversity is without duality, but this  
diversity (all thoughts and appearances) are manifestations of mind  
(cit)--that is they are manifestations of the creative potentiality of  
Awareness (rigpa'i rtsal). Conventional dualistic consciousness lives  
in these projections which is really like a holographic dream and are  
mistaken as objective realities instead of self-creations.

As one begins to awaken, one naturally will begin to recognize this  
unbounded wholeness in terms of the "reflexively open awareness of the  
dawning of the dynamic display".

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