--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> > Actually my hypothesis is simple yet radical-- If the future and 
> > past occur solely in the mind, why then wouldn't you be creating 
> > tree you speak of above? All we know about the tree is what has 
> > observed, and all you specifically know about the tree is what 
> > are personally observing. Same with the "people outside 
> >
> I think we have more of a consensus on the basics than that don't 
>  I can ask my dad when he planted a tree in the yard of my family
> home.  From that I have a pretty good understanding about the tree
> outside my own personal observation.  Don't the terms future and 
> have a reality outside our own personal existence?  For living
> creatures time is a pretty cruel master and the difference between
> past and future is critical to us all.  Are you taking the 
position of
> solipsism?  

Continuing on with what you wrote, whatever you ask your dad is 
based on your observation of him, and your observation of his reply. 
Its all you, creating him, in effect, and your interpretation of his 
past observation of the tree. 

With regard to past and future, yes, they exist differently as 
operational concepts, but there is no way to experientially separate 
them from right now.

Anyway, I am not trying to convince you of anything-- just exploring 
my hypothesis.   

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