You can add extermination to the list of crimes
committed by the Vatican.  The German death camps were
modeled on Catholic run camps like it in South
America, South Africa, the US and Canada--which is not
to say that the German camps didn't take the thing to
new heights of efficiency.

--- feste37 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am no expert on whores, whether from Babylon or
> anywhere else, but I
> think Hagee is probably correct in his assertion
> that every measure
> that Hitler took against the Jews, with the
> exception of
> extermination, had already been done at various
> points in history by
> the Roman Catholic church. 
> --- In, "Richard J.
> Williams"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > > why is this guy not on national news every 
> > > > night like Wright?
> > > > 
> > Bob wrote: 
> > > Because McNuts has already clinched the Repub 
> > > nomination -- later, if it gets down to Mc v 
> > > Obama, you will see dueling Hagee v Wright ads.
> > >
> > So? Judy already said that she agrees with much 
> > that Pastor Wright said in his clip-sermons. Are 
> > you saying that you don't agree with Pastor Hagee 
> > that the Roman Catholic Church is the 'Whore of 
> > Babylon'? From what I've read here, almost every
> > informer who has posted here would agree with
> > Pastor Hagee.
> > 
> > John Hagee:
> >
> >

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