Its rumored that Fox is near to finalizing a deal for a new show,
spin-off of American Idol, called Cosmic Idol. 

The contestants will give 3-4 minute raps on their enlightenment,
awakening, liberated or cosmic states -- and all of the inner and
outer benefits.  Contestants will judged by how convincingly cosmic
they sound, and stories on how fast and effortless all of their
desires were fulfilled. (Clearly the winner deserves to be the winner
since they are the only one to have their deep desire completely
fulfilled to be claimed 'most cosmic' )

Fox is still looking for the "Randy" judge -- "I don't know dawg. Your
shakti just didn't do it to me. It was OK. Its was a bit pitchy. It
was sort like you were telepathing it in. But towards the end you
really got IT down, dawg!" 

Nab is a shoo in for the Paula judge, "I just want to say, that was
totally cosmic. You give me chills. I stwand up and swallute you. You
are a cowsmic star. And you look stunning in that Aura "

Simon's role as judge: they are not sure, sort of a curtis / turq wit
guy with the an Off / R Williams demeanor: "You know, I have to be
honest here. That was amonsgt the worst neo-advaitin imitations I have
ever heard. Like what would be heard a B level karaoke club, on a C
level cruise ship. And you had no charisma, no shaktipat blast, no
connection between your words and who you are. The cosmos expects and
deserves more for their next Cosmic Idol."

And for Ryan ... 

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