---(below - in my view). No. By all means, attain the Self, the non-
dual "state" described by the Neo-Advaitins; but don't regard that as 
the ultimate goal, or even being close to Enlightenment, unless one has 
made the progression through the Kundalini signs. The Neo-Advaitins 
haven't done this.
 Apart from regular Sadhana, the "when" of Neo-Advaitic permanent 
realization (and Enlightement - which lies beyond the ordinary Neo-
Advaitic state) is largely out of our hands and is dependent on the 
status of our karma and the physical structures we came into the world 
with; apart from our regular Sadhana.
Obviously, many people will not get Enlightened during the present 
 So instead of placing one's entire basket of marbles into the 
Enlightenement goal, I recommend the following:
a. Simply continue with one's regular Sadhana (I'm a TM TB btw); but 
set one's goals on a much easier task:
b. Strive to surely but gradually INCREASE ONE'S SHAKTI LEVEL.
This is a rather easy goal that can bear concrete results in a short 
period of time, say a few months.  The means of doing this have been 
briefly mentioned in previous posts.
c. Now we get to the result of this more reasonable and more easily 
attainable goal: First, we hasten our progress toward Enlightenment; 
but in the short run (like a couple of weeks from now...) we can USE 
the Shakti in our daily lives for whatever purposes we desire.
Obviously, there are practical limitations to the fulfillment of 
desires, but whatever they are, more SHAKTI POWER will be of great help.

Personally, I believe that MMY's whole worldview pertaining to the 
progression of states of consciousness: TC,...leading to Unity; 
actually contributes to mental breakdowns; but I agree with the other 
contributors on the nature of unstressing.  Though at times unpleasant, 
the presence of unstressing points to TM's success and the impotence of 
most other techniques.
At any rate, I'm an ANTI-NEO-ADVAIIN (not by virtue of the non-dualist 
philosophy), but by virtue of my orientation toward the fulfillment of 
desires and the progressive nature of evolution... And - yes; along 
with the fact that I deplore the stupid, ridiculous "I don't know and I 
don't care" attitude of some Neo-Advaitins. (fortunately, none access 
this forum)..
As long as people have bodies, they have desires. Increase one's Shakti 
level to help fulfill those desires, whatever they may be.
Since desires continue before and after Enlightenment, the commonality 
in the human condition is DESIRES, (or, perhaps just sit on your butt 
and enjoy the Bliss due to enhanced Shakti).
I do that more and more; but I'm not a Bliss-ninny in the ordinary 
sense, because the job I have involves rather intense interaction with 
people in the field of law. Some lawyers can be vipers. The Shakti 
helps put them in the right place, but it's all Kali's doing. 
more Shakti, more Bliss. As to Enlightenment, when it happens, it 
happens; but at the end of the day, and the day after, it's SHAKTI that 
will get me there....not some ridiculous mental grokking of AHA...now 
I've got it!
Sorry I haven't had time to explain this better, but in a nutshell: 
increase your Shakti level and work on individual desires (or just hang 
around in Bliss and radiate Shakti, doing nothing in particular).
That's my anti-Neo-Advaitin philosophy. As to more details on the 
actual program, I'll leave that to later.  But to give you an idea, 
this very night I'm sending away for the following audio CD's:  1. the 
Lalita Sahasranama chanted by Amma, and 2. the Durga Puja chanted by 

 In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "yifuxero" <yifuxero@> wrote:
> >
> > ---No - that's only the Neo-Advaitin state of non-duality, not 
> > Enlightenment.  There's a big gulf between the Neo-Advaitin state 
> > described below (and exhibited by numerous Neo-Advaitins giving a 
> > similar description of non-duality); and Enlightenment as 
> > demonstrated by Sakyamuni Buddha, Ramana Maharshi, and Guru Dev.
> > In short, although Enlightenment is non-dual, not all "conditions" 
> > of non-duality are demonstrations of Enlightenment.
> So, in your view, it's better to be an ego-bound schlub on an endless
> Buddhist treadmill to a future perfection that is rarely ever achieved
> than to live the freedom of a non-dual awakening that doesn't qualify
> as the highest, most bestest possible "Enlightenment"?

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