--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
<mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> , sgrayatlarge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Correction OffWorld:
>  Dr. Hanna Swaid is a Palestinian Israeli Member of the Knesset from
> the Hadash Party>>

Only recently have they been allowed in in small numbers and
insignificant - it will take decades for it to not be a fascist state
anymore. Imagine the first few women ever to enter Congress or
Parliament in Britain. That is the stage Israel has only just reached in
recent years. The Arabs make up LESS THAN 10% of the Parliament of
Israel, and Israel deliberately makes it impossible for Palestinians to
govern themselves by fencing them in, and illegally settling all the
arable land that is not inside Israel already.

  Dr. Hanna Swaid has only been in the Knesset for 2 years, among a
handful of Arabs. He was first elected to the Knesset in the 2006

> Please if you will elaborate on your following points:
> 1. How is Israel a "documented illegal zionist state". Can you
> explain what happened after the UN voted for partitian? On day one
> which group opposed partitian? Who agreed to all terms?>>

What happened was that there was an illegal annexation of land and
expansion by the Zionists (self-named) who had been lobbying in Britain
using money from German and European Jews  for decades, since Britain
was the ruler in the region for the most part.

> 2. Exactly how much land did the Zionist purchase legally ( and at a
> premium) in the early 1900's that became the basis of the current
> state of Israel?>>

Lol...buying land now makes it legal to take a whole country and its

So maybe me and all the British  should get together in America and
declare it our country since we own a lot of stuff here.

> 3. You mentioned that their are Jewish Rabbis that oppose the
> existence of the Jewish state, can you describe what kind of Rabbis,

Go here:
http://tinyurl.com/498492 <http://tinyurl.com/498492>

> 4. The Pro-Zionist movement was totally non-religious based secular
> movement. You say you are opposed to all religion, why would you
> oppose a non-religios movement.>>

Because they put themsleves in power over all the people of the region,
and created apartheid, and then said to the PEOPLE OF THEIR RELIGION
FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD..."Come to your homeland, Israel, and we will
welcome you and give you land" -- No prizes for guessing as to whose
land it is they are giving to the foreigners. The Phillistines mentioned
in the bible, ARE the Palestinians. The 'Semitic peoples' are the Jews
AND the Palestinians. They are cousins, and yet, the Palestininas have
been denied a voice over their own affairs. Gaza is a prison camp, and
the rest of Palestine is under an aparthied system, and their arable or
any resource-rich land, is systematically being given away to Polish,
Russians, and others.

Have you ever been to Israel or the West Bank? Have you seen the
apartheid there, as I have (and that was during a relatively peaceful
time of the mid-80's.) If so, for how long were you there, and where did
you go?

> 5. Did you oppose the formation of Pakistan, a country that was
> wrenched out of India, where millions of people died in the process
> and where in fact it was a completely made up country with no
> historical foundations? Why is the world completely ok with Pakistan
> and not Israel?>>

Very stupid comparison. If Scotland became independent of England and
every Scottish citizen had equal rights in all ways, then of course,
no-one would care. Israel is a fascist state, much like Saudi Arabia and
Kuwait, etc., in that only if you belong to the right race/family can
you be an equal citizen.

Every Pakistani has had equal rights in Pakistan. This is not the case
in Israel where Apartheid remains today. Pakisthan actually does have a
historical basis....since about 700 AD.  Israel, by their own admission,
was "given" to them by their Ghost in the Big Sky in 1948.

> 6. Can you describe the provisions of the Oslo Accords?>


""Since the start of the al-Aqsa Intifada, the Oslo Accords are viewed
with increasing disfavor by both the Palestinian and Israeli public. In
May 2000, seven years after the Oslo Accords and five months before the
start of the al-Aqsa Intifada, a survey...found that: 39% of all
Israelis supported the Accords and that 32% believed that the Accords
would result in peace in the next few years.[16]. By contrast, the May
2004 survey found that 26% of all Israelis supported the Accords and 18%
believed that the Accords would result in peace in the next few years.
Many Palestinians believed that the Oslo Accords had turned the PLO
leadership into a tool of the Israeli state in suppressing their own
people. While benefiting a small elite, the conditions of most
Palestinians worsened. This was seen as one of the causes for the
al-Aqsa Intifada.""

> 7. How big was Arafats' bank account?>>

How big was Arafats' bank account? Provide a reference.

> 8. Which US president agreed to provide billions to both Israel and
> Egypt? I'll answere that you can blame Jimmy Carter, because before
> that, the aid to Israel was considerably less.>>

Do I look like I care about your long line of stupid American
presidents?...seeing as how I'm British an' all.

> 9. Can you discuss the Hamas charter with regards to the existence
> of the state of Israel?

Can you discuss the Zionist charter with regards to the existence  of
the state of the Palestinians?

> 10. How many rockets has Hamas launched into Israel since Gaza was
given back?

Since 1993 - Number of Palestinians killed by Israel = 5,820

Since 1993 - Number of Israelis killed by Palestinians = 1,439

Number of palestinian refugees because Israeli oppression = at least 1

Number of foreign Jews who moved to Israel since 1948 = almost 2 Million

> 11. Since Israel built the fence or wall (which I'm sure you
> consider as a facist act) can you document the level of suicide
> bombings their have been?>>

Yes, there were thousands killed and many more displaced by the suicidal
Hezbollah attacks and the suicidal Israeli attacks on Lebanon in 2006,
not to mention the number of cluster bombs left for the Lebanese
children to play with in the fields in the future, and this was suicide
for the Israeli Olmert regime, who is now under arrest for corruption.
So in answer to your question, thousands have died since the fence was
buils and because of the fence and becasue of Iraeli continuing
settlement of Paletinian arable alands. The fence is useless.  Have you
ever been to Palestine or where that fence was built?.....no --- didn't
think you had.

> 12. Finally if religion doesn't matter, can you share with us how
> many suicide bombing  have been conducted by Christian Palestinians

To answer your question, the American fundamentalist Christians commited
suicide when thousands of Lebanese and Palestinian refugees in Lebanon
were murdered by the American Christian fanatic fundamentalist support
of the Israeli regime (the head of which is now under criminal charges)
over the years, and who bombed thousands in Lebanon in 2006. THE REASON
hezbollah gained some foothold in the then prospering Lebanon a coupls
of years ago, was because the fundamentalist christian fanatics Bush and
Rice stomped around like a bunch of ignorant fucks, and Rice pressurized
Syria into leaving Lebanon. Lebanon was being called the "new Paris of
the Middle-East" under Syrian monitoring which was making it impossible
for Hezbollah to be effective there. So christian fundies Bush and Rice
fucked that up, and Hezbollah gained a  foothold as soon as the Syrians
left, then attacked Israel because Israel bombed children in Gaza, and
Israel responded by killing thousands of innocent people in Lebanon.

Now go ahead and answer my questions .


> > >
> > > > I think Shemp should join the Illuminati. They like Jewish
> AWOL Ex-
> > > Pat
> > > > Chickenhawks.
> > > >
> > > > OffWorld
> > >
> > >
> > > This is about the third or fourth post of late in which OffWorld
> > > mentions "Jewish" or "Shalom" or anything that
> suggests "Jewishness"
> > in
> > > regards to me.
> > >
> > > What has that got to do with anything and why are you bringing it
> > up?>>
> >
> > It has nothing to do with anything, you are paranoid.
> >
> > You are Jewish, that's all. Some of my best friends are Jews. I am
> > Scottish, and Turq is Tuetonic. What's the big deal Shemp? Are you
> > paranoid? I have nothing against any religious type (but I am
> against
> > all religions as a whole.)
> >
> > I also think it is superbly and hilariously ironic that a Jewish
> > draft-dodger from the 60's, is now a chickenhawk supporter of
> aggressive
> > zionism and the documented illegal zionist state (by the
> way, 'Zionist'
> > does not equate with all Jews, if that is what you think. Zionists
> are a
> > sect, active as the largest lobby in Britain, long before Israel
> was
> > created by the annexing of huge areas to rule over as a fascist
> state -
> > ie. only Jews allowed in Parliament or in charge. There are Jewish
> > Rabbi's that protest against the existence of the Israeli state)
> >
> > How did I know that you are Jewish? How did I know you are a Draft
> > Dodger from he 60's?
> > How did I know you are a Chickenhawk (well that one is obvious)
> >
> > OffWorld
> >

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