On Jun 2, 2008, at 9:08 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

Go to almost any neoadvaita satsang like ones
I've witnessed in New England or FF and you'll see
a well of confusion--but they all think it's the
greatest thing.

I think that the reason for this is that the
essential message of NeoAdvaita is valid, that
there is nowhere to "go" and nothing to "become"
to realize one's enlightenment.

Yes, of course, but that is the POV of the nondual state from someone who has had that recognition. Different people may need considerable accomplishment or a damn good teacher to have that recognition (unless, of course, a person has certain predisposing factors). Consider both Ramana Maharishi and Nisargadatta who mastered samadhi and kundalini before their realization dawned. Few ever talk about that. "Let's just skip that." Mention that to most neoadvaitin's and they'll fall back on "nowhere to "go" and nothing to "become"" crutch.

The only ones who don't notice them limping, is them.

But in general
they just seem to be brewing ground for confusion and
delusion and ego. Almost all are still at the state of
talking about experiences, they still have not transcended
that basic need...

The thing I noticed most was that NONE of the
experiences Jim talks about have anything to
do with other people. They are ALL in terms of
himself. Whenever I try to get him to even
talk about other people, he evades and dodges
the discussions.

No realization of interdependent origination.

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