[ Compare and contrast Hillary's reaction to having
been soundly trounced by Obama to Judy Stein's con-
tinuing denials that she slandered Mel Gibson and
his movie without ever having seen it. Two peas in
a pod, and with the same amount of credibility. 
Emphasis below (**) is mine, because these state-
ments really deserve to be emphasized; comments in
brackets [] are mine as well, because those lines
need to be commented on. ]

Obama's first test: Handling Hillary 
Roger Simon 
Wed Jun 4, 12:14 AM ET
Barack Obama would like to remind you of something: He won 
and she didn't. It's about him now and not her. **He has 
made history, and she is history.** 

Not that Hillary Clinton admitted to any of that in her 
nonconcession concession speech Tuesday night, after Obama 
attained the delegate votes he needs for the Democratic 
presidential nomination

**For someone giving indications she would like to be Obama's 
running mate, Clinton was surprisingly ungracious. In fact, 
if you had just awakened from a (blissful) 17-month sleep, 
you would have thought she had won.**

"Because of you, we won together the swing states necessary 
to get to 270 electoral votes," she told the crowd in New 
York City. "I want the nearly 18 million Americans who voted 
for me to be respected, to be heard and no longer to be 

But her fighting words only increased the need for Obama to 
show that he can be strong, tough and in charge. Clinton's 
unwillingness to recognize Obama as the victor only increased 
the need for Obama to act like a president and not like a 
doormat. And denying her a vice presidential slot may be a 
way of doing that. 

[ Personally, I think that Obama should graciously offer 
Hillary Clinton a post as ambassador to Iran. Let her try 
her "approach any situation like a stiff dick" act *there*. :-) ]

It has been a hard-fought and sometimes bitter campaign, but 
Obama is not, one of his senior advisers assured me Tuesday 
night, going to spend a lot of time in the next few months 
wooing Clinton supporters whose feelings may be hurting.

"I think there are always immediate feelings of disappointment 
and anger," Anita Dunn said. "But in the months ahead, he 
must appeal not just to the constituency groups who favored 
her in the primaries, but those he wants in the general 
election, and that includes independents and Republicans."

Another Obama adviser, who asked not to be identified, said 
that he was not worried that Clinton supporters would stay 

[ I would add, *of course* some of them will stay angry. 
As with Judy Stein, their *nature* is to be angry and stay 
angry. Why is that relevant to anything but their desire
to poison their own minds and bodies and as much of the
environment around them as possible? ]

"Look at how many switched today to Obama," he said. "Look 
at the Clinton supporters, look at Maxine Waters (the 
congresswoman from California who endorsed Hillary Clinton 
in late January but switched to Obama on Tuesday), who were 
passionate advocates for Hillary, but who switched to Obama."

[ And, lest we forget, Hillary promised to campaign strongly
for Obama if he won the nomination. My guess is that if she 
said the same thing today, she'd play Judylike word games 
and say, "I will campaign for him as soon as *I* admit that 
he won the nomination. And that is likely to happen the same
cold day in Hell that Judy Stein admits that she slandered
Mel Gibson and his movie without ever having seen it. ]

"At the end of the day," he went on, "Hillary supporters will 
look at John McCain and decide they are not going to vote for 
a man who will put judges on the Supreme Court who would 
overturn Roe v. Wade."

**The easiest way, the Obama campaign has decided, to turn the 
page away from Clinton is to go at McCain full bore, start 
the general election campaign immediately and ignore the 
media chatter about what Hillary does or does not want.**

[ Exactly. Ignore her silly ass, as if she were no longer
relevant. She IS no longer relevant. The media will attempt 
to still make her relevant, but as the author says so well, 
she's history. She is as relevant to the rest of the campaign 
as another media darling, Britney Spears. And as popular. ]

"Now is the appropriate moment to begin the general election 
discussion," Dunn said. "That is why Sen. Obama chose Minnesota 
(the site of the Republican convention in September) for his 

And while Obama spent a few moments praising Clinton in his 
speech in St. Paul, he spent most of his time attacking McCain, 
raising the issue he so effectively used against Clinton: the 
need for change.

"Change is a foreign policy that doesn't begin and end with a 
war that should've never been authorized and never been waged," 
Obama said. He used that argument against Clinton, it worked, 
and now he is going to use it against McCain again and again.

[ And people like Judy will continue to claim that Hillary's
vote for the war was somehow "different" than McCain's. ]

"Obama put his stake in the ground tonight for the general 
election campaign, just like McCain put his stake in the 
ground for the general election campaign," a senior Obama 
adviser told me. "The story will shift to that. Obviously, 
the vice presidency will be part of the back story, but there 
is going to be a pretty active general campaign story going on."

McCain did his part by giving a major speech in New Orleans 
on Tuesday night. "I have a few years on my opponent, so I 
am surprised that a young man has bought in to so many failed 
ideas," McCain said. "Like others before him, he seems to think 
government is the answer to every problem."

**But the three speeches — Clinton's, McCain's and Obama's — 
showed off one of Obama's great advantages: While McCain was 
reasoned and detailed, while Clinton had a few good lines, 
Obama soared.**

[ And that is the reason she failed, and should be relegated 
to the footnotes of history. Hillary Clinton does not have 
the *ability* to soar, to inspire. She never has, and she 
never will. And her strident supporters like Judy Stein 
don't understand this because *they* don't have the ability
to inspire, either. All they can do is attack. ]

"Behind all the labels and false divisions and categories that 
define us, beyond all the petty bickering and point-scoring in 
Washington, Americans are a decent, generous, compassionate 
people," he said. "America, this is our moment. This is our time." 

It was, after a momentous struggle, Barack Obama's time Tuesday 
night. And he made sure everybody knew it.

[ And it's Hillary's time to go back to being a loudmouthed
junior Senator. Or Teheran. :-) ]

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