Curtis wrote:
> It doesn't connect to any modern understanding 
> of how the nervous system works. It melts 
> together an ancient esoteric tradition with 
> sciency sounding terms for marketing purposes. 
Isn't this just amazing - Ruth and Curtis don't 
see the connections, but I connect the dots every 
time I think about this. 

This is what is so infuriating about some deniers
 - almost every pronouncement they make is 
strictly anecdotal, or worse, totally made up on 
the spot. It makes me very suspicious that they 
have some kind of axe to grind. 

It's like, instead of forward thinking, logical 
analysis, it's almost reactionary!

Why is that?

> I never saw a sincere desire in Maharishi to 
> actually test any of this theories in a 
> falsifiable form.
Maybe so, but every theory doesn't have to be a 
double-blind scientific study. In fact, the vast 
majority of studies in the field of psychotherapy 
are not double-blind studies.

> He said it, we believed it, and that was good 
> enough for a pretty long while.
You're not the only on who believed it. From what 
I've read, the Marshy was pretty much spot on in 
his general analysis!

"As a method of stress reduction, meditation is 
often used in hospitals in cases of chronic or 
terminal illness to reduce complications 
associated with increased stress including a 
depressed immune system. 

There is growing agreement in the medical 
community that mental factors such as stress 
significantly contribute to a lack of physical 
health, and there is a growing movement in 
mainstream science to fund research in this 

Dr. Herbert Benson of the Mind-Body Medical 
Institute, which is affiliated with Harvard and 
several Boston hospitals, reports that 
meditation induces a host of biochemical and 
physical changes in the body collectively 
referred to as the 'relaxation response.'

The relaxation response includes changes in 
metabolism, heart rate, respiration, blood 
pressure and brain chemistry. Benson and his 
team have also done clinical studies at Buddhist 
monasteries in the Himalayan Mountains."



Other references:


'The Mystery of Consciousness'
By Steven Pinker
Time Magazine, Friday, Jan. 19, 2007

'The Science of Meditation'
Time Magazine Cover Story, August 4, 2003

'Just say Om'
by Joel Stein
Time Magazine, Sunday, Jul. 27, 2003


The Mind Science Foundation
17 West El Prado Drive
San Antonio, Texas

Titles of interest:

'Meditation and Psychotherapy'
A rationale for the integration of dynamic 
psychotherapy, the relaxation response, and 
mindfulness meditation.
By H. Benson, I. Kutz and J. Borysenko 
American Journal of Psychiatry, 1985 
PubMed abstract PMID 3881049

'Mind Science'
by Charles T Tart, Ph.D
Origin Press, 2000

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