Should a minister, any minister just take Iran's continual threats 
to destroy Israel ligthly? Should Israel just keep silent?

- In, "R.G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Fri, 06/06/2008 - 8:20am
>   "SUMMER SHOWDOWN: Israeli minister says alternatives to attack 
> Iran running out..."
> The article quotes Israeli Transportation Minister Shaul Mofaz as 
> issuing an unusually blunt warning to Iran: "If Iran continues its 
> nuclear weapons programme, we will attack it."
> The thing to remember about Israeli politics is that it's a 
> parliamentary system. So, the ministers don't serve "at the 
> of the president"; they're independent politicians with their own 
> bases of support, even if they hail from the same political party 
> the prime minister.
> So, this is not the same thing as U.S. Transportation Secretary 
> E. Peters (who, incidentally, has a blog called "Fast Lane") 
> a press release. We can safely presume that Peters speaks for the 
> Bush administration.
> But the hawkish Mofaz, a former defense minister and military 
> of staff, doesn't necessarily speak for the Israeli government. 
> probably ramping things up now that he sees a chance to take Ehud 
> Olmert's job, and angling to outmaneuver Foreign Minister Tzipi 
> Livni, his chief rival within the Kadima Party. Mofaz is playing 
> politics here, not explaining policy. Still, I would advise the 
> in Tehran not to take Mofaz's threat lightly.

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