That would be censorship in a day in age where we are quickly falling 
into fascism.  No need for FFL to contribute to that goal.  We are all 
adults here (and apparently mostly old ones :D ).  Have you ever looked 
at some of the jyotish groups or forums frequented by Indians?  FFL is 
very tame compared to the spats that Indians get into debating 
philosophy.   Let peacefulness come from within and not from without.  
If there is something wrong with the world it is our duty to speak up 
rather than remain silent.  Indian history is filled with gurus doing 
so.  Seems your lobbying for closed-minded conversation not open-minded 
conversation.   We already have the latter.

BTW, the 4th Amendment was trampled on today by the cowards in 
congress.  Be sure to call your congressman and thank them if they voted 
against it (mine voted against it).  And be sure to call and give them 
holy hell if they voted for it.

danfriedman2002 wrote:
> Rick,
> I believe you to be a man of conscience and good will. If some of 
> your moderation could lead to a more friendly FFL, I imagine an even 
> more open-minded conversation could take place.
> Imagine it

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