The re-arrival of John Knapp on FFL, and the
reaction of the TM TBs to his presence, has
brought an issue into focus for me, so I 
figured I'd throw it out for others to react
to. Or not, if you don't think it's relevant.

Most of the people who have reacted so nega-
tively and so *strongly* to John in the last
few days are doing so based on their *past* 
interactions with him. They even say this.

This covers Judy (who pretty much dwells
in the past full-time), Lawson, and feste.
Their message is consistent: "Why should we
trust what John says in the present, because 
his past actions (as we see them, that is)
have convinced us that he is not to be

Now THINK about this statement, and what it
reveals about the persons making it and their
belief system. They don't believe that it is 
*possible* for someone they disliked in the
past to change in the present. Once they have 
developed their first impression of them, that
impression is fixed, immutable.

And WHY?

Duh, because none of THEM have changed, in 
years. Sometimes decades. If you go back into
the archives of FFL or a.m.t. and look up posts
by Judy Stein or by Lawson or by feste, you
could "swap out" the posts from a decade ago
with today's posts, and no one would be able
to tell the difference. There has been no 
change; they are still the same basic selves,
with the same basic samskaras and same basic
behavioral patterns, still posting the same 
basic ignorance and bigotry that they posted 
years ago. Nothing *ever* seems to changes 
for them. 

Compare and contrast to someone like Curtis.
There was a time when he was pretty in-your-
face on these forums, too (and he still can
be, when it is deserved, although almost always
with humor these days). But generally we see
a kinder, gentler, more balanced Curtis in his
posts these days, a veritable model of behavior
that many of us look up to. John Knapp seems to 
have learned a few things along the Way, too. 

And I'm betting that the *majority* of people
here notice the difference. Whereas the TM TB
trio I'm discussing above do not. They see John
as the same old demon they saw him as before;
their belief system does not seem to allow for
the possibility of him having changed over the

WHY? And WHY do they act like this?

My bet is that what *we* see as their anger at 
these TM critics is in reality anger at *them-
selves* for their inability to change. They 
cling to the TM dogma, and talk, talk, talk 
about its supposed benefits and the changes it 
can supposedly enable people to make, but they 
never actually *make* any of these changes 
*themselves*. That must get them down after a 
while, seeing others change and evolve around 
them, while they do not. And seemingly cannot.

So, being unable to address what's really bug-
ging them, they lash out at anyone they can 
find an excuse (and, seemingly, *any* excuse)
to lash out at, and project onto their victims
the very inability to change that they see in

I find it curious, and more than a little sad.

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