Barry as near as I can tell you haven't changed in years either.


-- In, "danfriedman2002"
> Turq,
> You and John Knapp can't change. That's why you deserve each other's 
> company so much.
> --- In, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > The re-arrival of John Knapp on FFL, and the
> > reaction of the TM TBs to his presence, has
> > brought an issue into focus for me, so I 
> > figured I'd throw it out for others to react
> > to. Or not, if you don't think it's relevant.
> > 
> > Most of the people who have reacted so nega-
> > tively and so *strongly* to John in the last
> > few days are doing so based on their *past* 
> > interactions with him. They even say this.
> > 
> > This covers Judy (who pretty much dwells
> > in the past full-time), Lawson, and feste.
> > Their message is consistent: "Why should we
> > trust what John says in the present, because 
> > his past actions (as we see them, that is)
> > have convinced us that he is not to be
> > trusted."
> > 
> > Now THINK about this statement, and what it
> > reveals about the persons making it and their
> > belief system. They don't believe that it is 
> > *possible* for someone they disliked in the
> > past to change in the present. Once they have 
> > developed their first impression of them, that
> > impression is fixed, immutable.
> > 
> > And WHY?
> > 
> > Duh, because none of THEM have changed, in 
> > years. Sometimes decades. If you go back into
> > the archives of FFL or a.m.t. and look up posts
> > by Judy Stein or by Lawson or by feste, you
> > could "swap out" the posts from a decade ago
> > with today's posts, and no one would be able
> > to tell the difference. There has been no 
> > change; they are still the same basic selves,
> > with the same basic samskaras and same basic
> > behavioral patterns, still posting the same 
> > basic ignorance and bigotry that they posted 
> > years ago. Nothing *ever* seems to changes 
> > for them. 
> > 
> > Compare and contrast to someone like Curtis.
> > There was a time when he was pretty in-your-
> > face on these forums, too (and he still can
> > be, when it is deserved, although almost always
> > with humor these days). But generally we see
> > a kinder, gentler, more balanced Curtis in his
> > posts these days, a veritable model of behavior
> > that many of us look up to. John Knapp seems to 
> > have learned a few things along the Way, too. 
> > 
> > And I'm betting that the *majority* of people
> > here notice the difference. Whereas the TM TB
> > trio I'm discussing above do not. They see John
> > as the same old demon they saw him as before;
> > their belief system does not seem to allow for
> > the possibility of him having changed over the
> > years.
> > 
> > WHY? And WHY do they act like this?
> > 
> > My bet is that what *we* see as their anger at 
> > these TM critics is in reality anger at *them-
> > selves* for their inability to change. They 
> > cling to the TM dogma, and talk, talk, talk 
> > about its supposed benefits and the changes it 
> > can supposedly enable people to make, but they 
> > never actually *make* any of these changes 
> > *themselves*. That must get them down after a 
> > while, seeing others change and evolve around 
> > them, while they do not. And seemingly cannot.
> > 
> > So, being unable to address what's really bug-
> > ging them, they lash out at anyone they can 
> > find an excuse (and, seemingly, *any* excuse)
> > to lash out at, and project onto their victims
> > the very inability to change that they see in
> > themselves.
> > 
> > I find it curious, and more than a little sad.
> >

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