[ The set is a Western-style saloon, a lot like
the one in "Desperado," but with a lower class
of clientele. ]

Regular1: So WTF with this ME stuff, eh?

Regular2: Yeah, WTF?

Regular3: I hear that the whole territory around
Fairfield has pretty much washed away, and they're
still raising money for new butt-bouncers because
they control the weather. WTF?

WomanRegular1: But the ME *could* still work; it
hasn't been thoroughly disproved yet!

WomanRegular2: Yeah, and monkeys could fly out of
my butt. That hasn't been disproved, either.

GuysAtTheBar: Yeah! WTF!

[ Just then a stranger walks in. Conversation stops
for a moment as everyone turns to check him out. 
It doesn't take long. He's obviously from somewhere
Back East, maybe even <spit> Neeeew Yawk. The
stranger is such a dweeb that he doesn't realize
that he's being checked out. ]

Newb: So hey guys. I heard you talking about boats.
You can't cross the river in more than one boat,
you know.

[ Deep silence, broken only by the clinking of 
glasses as everyone turns back to their beer and
their real conversations. ]

WomanRegular2: Sounds like there's a new preacher
in town. <laughs>

Newb: Why are you attacking me? Bartender! Why are
you allowing this woman to attack me? 

Bartender: What woman? Oh, you mean Sal. Pay no
attention to her...we don't. <laughter>

Newb: But shouldn't you DO something? MODERATE
her or something?

Bartender: We don't really moderate around here,
stranger. We don't think it's necessary.

Newb: But this bar would be SO much better if you
moderated...uh...people like this Sal, and kept
her from attacking well-intentioned strangers!

GuysAtTheBar: WTF? You don't LIKE our bar?

Newb: I can tell that all of you people are low-
vibe and unevolved and that you'd NEVER understand
the complexity and the motives of someone as high
and evolved as I am. So I'm going to stand here
and shout at you for a while to try to uplift and
educate you before I run away to the Victorian
Teahouse, where I hear they know how to have a
coherent conversation!

Regular1: Did you hear something?

Regular2: Just flies. Ignore them. To be honest,
they make the beer taste better.

Newb: But I'm INSULTING you! Don't you hear it?

Regular3: So what *about* that ME bullshit, eh?

Newb: Don't you DARE ignore me when I'm shouting
at you and INSULTING you. Turn around and fight
me before I run away! I demand that you treat
me with the respect that I deserve. Turn around
and FIGHT, you cowards!!!

[ About seven or eight guys get up and start
walking towards the Newb, who blanches visibly.
He stares at them, terrified that at any moment
they're going to reach for their guns and shoot
him. They advance upon the Newb and surround
him; he can smell the beer and flies on their
breath. He watches in horror as, in unison, they
reach their shootin' hands down. And unzip their
pants with them, and then piss all over him. Then
they turn around and walk back to the bar, or to
their poker tables. ]

Newb: Well, I sure showed you, didn't I?! You'll
think twice before you dare ignore someone as
highly evolved as I am in the future! 

[ The Newb stalks out. ]

Regular1: So how much would YOU pay to see monkeys
fly out of Sal's butt, eh?

Regular2: Lots, dude. I mean, WTF?!

Regular3: I'd swap my dome pass for tickets!

[ Fade to gold, the bright, shining dharmakaya of 
the ancients, as everyone lifts their glass in
unison and proposes a toast to the most important
event of the day. ]

Bartender: Let's hear it for monkeys flying out of
Sal's but, eh? WTF!

WholeBar: WTF!

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