Bravo! Can't wait to see the movie. (I assume the horse snorts, belly laughs 
and guffaws 
from Judy will get dubbed in later during post.)

--- In, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [ The set is the town square, which is filled with 
> people partying down and dancing to the sounds of 
> ZZ Top (dressed as they were in a similar scene in 
> Back To The Future Part III). Everyone is having a
> great time, the soma is flowing, and in the distance
> you can hear the gentle lowing of Vedic cows. Then
> two people, pushing dancers and merrymakers out of
> their way as they make their way through the crowd,
> climb the stairs, grab the ZZ Top guys by the beards 
> and throw them off the stage, and then take over the
> twin microphones and begin to address the crowd. ]
> Judy: Shut up and listen out there, people. Dan and
> I have something to say to you.
> Dan: Yeah, shut up and listen. Dan and I have some-
> thing to say to you.
> Judy [under her breath]: Dan, how many times have I
> warned you about that parrot're supposed
> to say "Judy and I have something to say to you." 
> Haven't you got a mind of your own? [to the crowd]
> Yeah, Dan and I have something to say. We are hereby
> turning this party into a wedding celebration for the
> two of us -- we just got married.
> [Total silence. A few people take advantage of the
> quiet to go back to the Soma Bar for a refill. As if
> she didn't notice, Judy continues...]
> Judy: Yes, Dan and I got hitched. Can't you tell by
> our clothes?
> [ The bride wears a white Muu Muu designed by Kathie
> Lee Gifford for K-Mart; the groom is wearing an ill-
> fitting cream-colored suit, also from K-Mart, with a
> smashing American flag pin in one lapel and a gold
> locket that says "M says" around his neck, hanging
> over his "Don't talk to me about terrorism or I'll
> kill you" necktie. ]
> Dan: Yeah, can't you tell by our clothes?
> Judy: We've decided to take over your celebration 
> and turn it into a wedding reception for us, because,
> well...we deserve a celebration and you don't, and
> because we didn't really have any friends of our own
> to invite to one, so you'll have to do.
> Dan: Yeah, you'll have to do.
> Judy: We know that you're all anxious to hear about
> the wedding itself [groans from the crowd], so we'll
> tell you a little about it. It was a simple ceremony
> in the Vedic style -- we slaughtered a horse, gave 
> offerings to the gods, and waved enough camphor around
> to start a range fire. 
> Dan [to Judy]: It *was* funny when the preacher caught
> on fire, wasn't it? Heh heh. Heh heh heh. Heh.
> Judy: Shut up, Dan. Anyway, we didn't exchange vows or
> anything bourgeois like that. We're far too evolved 
> for such nonsense. We just signed the proper prenups
> (I now am legal owner of everything Dan has ever earned
> or bought in his life) and waved the camphor and kissed
> once -- chastely -- and then came here, for the REAL
> ceremony.
> Dan: Yeah, REAL. Heh heh. Heh heh heh. Heh.
> Judy [aside]: Shut up, Dan, and get out your script. (to
> the crowd] What we're going to do instead of exchanging
> vows and celebrating our happiness is to read aloud a
> list of YOUR faults and do our best to make you miserable.
> Dan: We are the postmen...oh, sorry, Judy...the post-
> persons of your karma!
> Judy: Yes, we are going to do you all an enormous karmic
> favor by interrupting your ongoing festivities to tell
> you EXACTLY what we think of you, in the hopes that some-
> day you might be able to change, and to become as highly
> evolved and as perfect as we are.
> Dan: Perfect. Heh heh. Heh heh heh. Heh.
> Judy: So here goes. Instead of 'exchanging vows,' we are 
> going to 'exchange rants.' Each of us will read a short
> prose poem composed of the things that we -- as highly
> evolved beings -- think of you -- the scum. [irritated]
> Dan, get your FUCKING script out, will you?! You don't 
> want me to have to use the genital cuff on you again 
> tonight, do you?
> Dan: Got my script right here, darling. Heh heh. Heh. 
> Judy: I'll start. ** My name is Judy. Did you 
> really think nobody would know who you were referring 
> to? You're utterly clueless. There's nothing wrong with 
> what you say; it's who's saying it. Non sequitur. You're
> wrong. I don't think I spend that much time defending
> the TMO. Better come up with some *real* lies if you
> want to make your point. You're wrong, probably more 
> thoroughly than most here. Seems to be an enduring 
> compulsion on the part of certain former-TMers-turned-
> TM-critics. You're not part of the solution, you're 
> part of the problem. Non sequitur. What an odd question. 
> You've already forgotten what you and I were talking about.
> Unfair and mendacious attacks on other people that cause 
> *them* pain cause *me* pain. Some of us have known him 
> electronically for many years and don't trust him any 
> further than we could throw him, if he came within reach.
> I don't attack sincere, straightforward, relatively 
> respectful people with disparaging labels. Non sequitur.
> Maybe you should try some different pharmaceuticals, those
> designed to suppress psychosis rather than facilitate it?
> And you can bag the little lectures. I don't give any 
> credence to "advice" from people for whom I have no 
> respect. I'm not interested in discussing it *with you*.
> That reflects negatively on you, not on him. As do your
> nitwit notions about what I believe. The whole "compulsive 
> posting" mantra is a crock. You really *are* out of touch 
> with reality. Yeah, probably best not to work yourself into 
> a tizzy. Bullcrap. Terrorists lurking next to avocados?? 
> Would that be while they're still on the tree, or should 
> I wear my tinfoil hat to the supermarket as well? You might 
> want to get a logic check as well. If I were God, the misery 
> and cruelty inflicted on those poor hogs would make me very, 
> VERY angry. Hint: You'll have to *read* it first. Oh, no 
> need to apologize. I don't feel victimized by attacks from 
> people for whom I have no respect. Now go back and read what 
> I wrote. Now go back and read what I wrote. Now go back and 
> read what I wrote. I believe I already explained that attacks 
> by those for whom I have no respect do not cause me pain. I'm 
> actually giving you the benefit of the doubt here. If you 
> *did* actually believe what you say about me, you'd be 
> dangerously out of touch with reality.
> [ The crowd stopped listening at "My name is Judy," but
> Judy never notices. She is totally into it, delivering her
> poem with the manic fervor of Charles Bukowsky doing a 
> poetry reading while suffering from a serious case of crabs.
> When she runs down and stops talking, she notices that Dan
> is kinda playing "pocket pool" with himself instead of 
> giving her the undivided attention she deserves. She whacks
> him upside the head, and gestures for him to read *his* poem. ]
> Dan: ** I'm just a simple boy from Harlem, NY. Your small-
> minded parochial attitudes are evident with every word 
> that you type. One word spoken reveals the man's entire 
> way. Enjoy. I find you to be angry, sad and lacking 
> social behavior. Don't post to me with such disrespect. 
> Going from 'boat to boat' will not get the seeker to 
> the other shore. I repect what you could be, but not 
> much now. Devetas AND cake. Enjoy! If there's one thing 
> that M has taught, it's that each self creates experience. 
> I think that you want someone agree with you to share 
> your twisted pain. Thank you for confiming that you are 
> a sorry old man, worthless. My bowel movement is exquisite 
> when compared to your Personality. You can't change. That's 
> why you deserve each other's company so much. Memes are 
> responsible for the restlessness of posters? You are con-
> flicted. When you get your posting limit restored, please 
> do not reply. You must be very lonely. You put nothing real 
> up, just noise. Too mcu noise, i'll respond to content. Two 
> paranoids for two. What's the chances? In your case i do 
> believe that beating the monkey with a stick may be approp-
> riate. It is evident to me that you are incoherent. Robert. 
> I was in the WTC. You suck. Paranoid and potty-mouthed. You 
> have the developmental stage of a five year old. Please 
> advance before responding. You deserve your misery. Don't 
> think that visiting a message board will improve that. My 
> responses are the exact karma for you. I will continue to 
> deliver your karma to you... It's ugly, but 100% deserved. 
> I think I'll go take a shower now.
> [ Dan, carried away, begins to fondle his genitalia again. 
> Judy smacks him a good one upside the head, and Dan switches 
> to fondling the sore spot. ]
> Judy: That's it for now, but we'll be back to fuck up as
> many of your celebrations as possible in the future. 
> Dan: Yeah. Robert. Devatas AND cake.
> Judy [exasperated]: Dan, get it together. It's *definitely*
> the genital cuff for you tonight!
> Dan: Enjoy! Heh heh. Heh heh heh. Heh. Robert.
> [ The happy couple leave, claw in claw, and the party 
> resumes. The ZZ Top guys launch into Gimme All Your 
> Lovin' and everyone dances. The bride and groom are
> forgotten more quickly than roadkill after it goes
> "Thump!" under your tires. Fade to gold. ]
> ** Director's Commentary on the DVD version: "The following 
> 'prose poems' are made up of Dan and Judy's actual words, 
> culled from posts that they made to Fairfield Life over a 
> period of two weeks in June, 2008."

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