--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Peter Vogel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Thanks for the insight into the security "nablusoss1008". 
> I wonder if anyone knows what the purpose of the high-tech music 
> studio on the top floor of the hotel was, or what became of it? 
> I also saw a number of people working at computer workstations 
> what seemed to be cities inside plastic bubbles. What was that 

I can't speak to the high-tech music recording studio but I know 
about the cities inside plastic bubbles.

What you were looking at were the lost cities of Krypton, salvaged 
from an explosion of that planet about 70 Earth years ago.  7 or 8 of 
their major cities were preserved by shrinking them down to the size 
that you saw.  Had you looked -- or, indeed, had you the PERMISSION 
to look -- you would have been able to see with a microscope that 
these are thriving, bustling cities with the people of Krypton going 
about their daily business with nary a care in the world.

When one of the leaders of that planet, Jor-El, was planning these 
cities-in-plastic-bubbles in anticipation of the destruction of 
Krypton, he entrusted to Maharishi's master, Guru Dev, the care, 
feeding, and maintenance of all the cities and people therein 
contained. Upon Guru Dev's death, this trust succeeded to Maharishi.  
I can only guess but upon Maharishi's death, the trusteeship has 
probably passed to King Tony.

What I'm surprised about is the talk in the movement since 
Maharishi's passing of opening up to the public visits to the plastic 
bubbles.  It's been discussed ad infinitum on this forum by Judy and 
Barry so it is not necessary for me to repeat all the details...use 
the search engine feature on this forum to follow their never-ending 
debate on this matter...use the keywords "bubbles barry judy lost 
cities" and that should get you right there. I say I'm surprised 
because the bubbles have heretofore never, ever, been considered 
anything but a sacred duty.  Commercial exploitation was never a 

Now, please don't ask me if "opening up to the public" means that 
paying customers will just tour around the facilities where the 
bubbles are kept or whether in fact it means shrinking each visitor 
down to the size of the bubble inhabitants, bringing them down INTO 
the bubbles, and, of course, returning them safely to their proper 
size and regular life here on Earth after the tour is up.  
On which side of the controversy do I fall?  Well, I personally don't 
see a conflict...as long as the people of Krypton democratically and 
freely decide that the TMO can use them in the commercial manner 
described above, who are we to say that it shouldn't be done?

I am curious, though, why this is happening ONLY since Maharishi's 
death.  But I could be wrong on that account.  Perhaps the technology 
for the shrinking machine was only perfected conincidentally to 
Maharishi's passing.

Now I have a question for YOU, Peter Vogel: should the bubble theme 
park become a reality, would you shell out money to visit?

Would you allow yourself to be shrunken (and, of course, made big 
again)?  Do you think the TMO has such a good track record in 
organisational skills that you would entrust all the molecules in 
your body to them with a new, as-of-yet untried technology?

> Thanks,
> Peter
> > 1976 - two armed armericans caught on and before the Kulm - 
> > Sonnenberg bridge.
> > Securiy beefed up after that with unlimited power to the WYMS as 
> > result. Again americans causing havoc. 
> > Same year; the CIA blows up Maharishis two renovated DC 3's 
> > in Germany. Again americans causing havoc here, there and 
> > Again and again the americans tried to get to Him. 
> > But Maharishi simply did not show up, and the pilots got an 
> > call to leave the airstrip ASAP. It saved their lives. 
> > Invincibility in 
> > daily life :-)
> >  
> > These days they complain that nature is cruel to them; floods and 
> > fires. Fairfield is protected as always. 
> > 
> > Probably they will not learn unless they are taught some very 
> > lessons and beg for mercy. They are a stubborn and violent race.

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