--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> <mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> , ruthsimplicity <no_reply@>
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > The press release has this interesting statement:
> >
> >
> > "To fund this development the government doesn't need to borrow 
> > abroad. It just issues an alternative currency—a coupon—and
> loans it
> > to the project for the start-up costs, and to immediately improve 
> > farmer's housing and living conditions.
> >
> >
> >
> > The coupon's validity is restricted to the locale of the project, 
> > it lasts for only a three-year period—and thus inflation is
> avoided.
> > When the first crop is exported and dollars are earned, the 
> > coupon loan is repaid by the project in dollars. So today's 
> > issued coupon becomes tomorrow's dollar in the National Treasury."
> >
> >
> > The money (or coupon as they state) expires in three years.  Thus 
> > appears that the last person holding the coupon gets nothing.  
> > make sense. If that was the case the farmer wouldn't be able to 
> > the coupon to buy stuff to "improve the farmer's housing and 
> > conditions" because no one would want to be stuck with the coupon.
> > Maybe the "stuckee" can turn it in for standard money after three
> > years?  If so, why not have the government loan real money in the
> > first place? Oh yeah, they don't have the money.  And if you can 
> > it in for real money in three years it is inflationary.  They 
> > money out of nothing.  Nader, Nader, Nader.  Oh dear.
> >
> > The whole creating money out of nothing is an interesting issue to
> > watch with the TMO.>.
> That's what you Americans have been doing for decades, in fact 
since the
> beginning of your country you have been LITERALLY printing money 
out of
> nothing. When Benjamin Franklin was in London, before the French and
> Spanish support of the illegal insurrection by the land grabbing, 
> driving american province traitors to freedom-fighters, he was 
> into the Bank of England (founded by a Scotsman) and asked where 
> were getting all the money to buy so much?
> His answer: "Oh, we print our own money." Bank of England's answer 
> Brits funded the protection of the provinces, with money and blood 
> young soldiers, from the Papist fascist countries who would have 
> mono-theism on US if it were not for the Brits fighting them down) 
> "Oh really, can you stop doing that please."
> Then the Americans sided with the mono-theist Papist countries, in 
> for the British was one small battle (the American War of 
> within a World War against the Papist fascist tyrants...which 
> the British won.)
> Even today, one of the main reasons for the economic collapse of US 
> the fake printing of money by the federal Reserve and basing it on
> nothing.
> LOL, the irony of this complaint of printing your own money from an
> American leaves me in awe and laughter. Thanks for the laugh.
> OffWorld

I think the only people left on Planet Earth that refer to Catholics 
as "Papists" are Lyndon-Larouche types, members of the John Birch 
Society, and the KKK.

And, of course, OffWorld.

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