On Jul 1, 2008, at 6:35 AM, Rick Archer wrote:

> > And Maharishi, when he saw a peace button on Goearge
> Harrison's lapel,
> > asked him what it was. After the explanation, M. said "if your
> really
> > want peace, build a bigger bomb."

And what do you think he meant by 'bomb' you dumb-worm-excuse-for-a- man?

He meant “bomb,” as in Atomic. He said this at the Amherst SCI Symposium in front of General Davis, and persisted in emphasizing the point throughout a prolonged audience outcry.

I think Off is trying to suggest MMY couldn't have possibly meant
something that ignorant, that he must have meant something along the lines of a giant Love Bomb, or something like that.

I think Off has finally really lost it.


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