--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard M" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Finally it seems to me that you rightly have much fun at the expense
> of those who not only believe in karma but think they are privy to its
> workings too. But the two do not necessarily go together. I think in
> the Gita MMY expressed the view that karma was unfathomable? 

gahanaa karmaNo gatiH

gahana  mf(%{A})n. (g. %{kSubhnA7di}) deep , dense , thick ,
impervious , impenetrable , inexplicable , hard to be understood MBh.
R. &c. ; (%{A}) f. ornament Devi1P. ; 

gati    f. going , moving , gait , deportment , motion in general RV. v
, 64 , 3 VS. TS. &c. ; manner or power of going ; going away Ya1jn5.
iii , 170 ; procession , march , passage , procedure , progress ,
movement (e.g. %{astra-g-} , the going or flying of missile weapons R.
v ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] , `" to go the last way "' , to die ;
%{daiva-g-} , the course of fate R. vi Megh. 93 ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] , the
progress or course of a poem R. i , 3 , 2) ; arriving at , obtaining
(with gen. loc. , or ifc.) S3Br. ix MBh. &c. ; acting accordingly ,
obeisance towards (loc.) A1p. i , 13 f. ; path , way , course (e.g.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] , `" to go either way "' , to recover or die
A1s3vS3r.) R. Bhag. &c. ; a certain division of the moon's path and
the position of the planet in it (the diurnal motion of a planet in
its orbit?) VarBr2S. ; issue Bhag. iv , 29 ; running wound or sore
Sus3r. ; place of issue , origin , reason ChUp. i , 8 , 4 f. Mn. i ,
110 R. Mudr. ; possibility , expedient , means Ya1jn5. i , 345 R. i
Ma1lav. &c. ; a means of success ; way or art , method of acting ,
stratagem R. iii , vi ; refuge , resource Mn. viii , 84 R. Katha1s.
Vet. iv , 20 ; cf. RTL. p. 260 ; the position (of a child at birth)
Sus3r. ; state , condition , situation , proportion , mode of
existence Kat2hUp. iii , 11 Bhag. Pan5cat. &c. ; a happy issue ;
happiness MBh. iii , 17398 ; the course of the soul through numerous
forms of life , metempsychosis , condition of a person undergoing this
migration Mn. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c. ; manner A1s3vGr2. i Sch. ; the being
understood or meant Pat. ; (in gram.) a term for prepositions and some
other adverbial prefixes (such as %{alam} &c.) when immediately
connected with the tenses of a verb or with verbal derivatives (cf.
%{karmapravacanIya}) Pa1n2. 1-4 , 60 ff. ; vi , 2 , 49 ff. and 139 ;
viii , 1 , 70 f. ; a kind of rhetorical figure Sarasv. ii , 2 ; a
particular high number Buddh. ; `" Motion "' (personified as a
daughter of Kardama and wife of Pulaha) BhP. i , v , 1 ; m. N. of a
son of Anala Hariv. i , 3 , 43.

> PS I'm a sucker for reincarnation too!

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