Bhairitu wrote:
> A good thing you never became a teacher as you 
> would totally confuse a beginner with instructions 
> like that.
So, you're confused - I thought so. But I am a 
teacher, and what I posted was just basic Adwaita 
Vedanta or the Direct Path Teachings. 

First, you've got to get over the notion that you 
are an individual soul-monad. Then you can begin 
to dispel the illusion that you are a 'mind' and 
that your perceptions are real. 

You are not a mind and a body - you are eternal 
Spirit, One, without-a-second. Everything else is
just an appearance only - dreams, illusions, and
the horns-of-a-hare. All concepts of 'mind' and
matter will be found to be illusory. 

There is no 'mind' and no 'thinker' - there's only
the Transcendental Person, a witness to the Pure
Consciousness. Thoughts are just the play of the 
gunas, the forces of nature. Mind is nothing more
than a bundle of energy, constituents, no more real 
than a sky-flower.

There's only One Pure Consciousness, not a multitude
of minds with thoughts and souls.

> > According to Sri Kapila:
> >
> > "And from the contrast with that which is 
> > composed of the three constituents, there follows, 
> > for the Purusha, the character of Being, a witness; 
> > freedom from misery, neutrality, percipience, and 
> > non-agency."
> >

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