TurquoiseB wrote:
> I don't know, either. I just find this whole subject
> fascinating, because I can remember how many years
> I bought into such things hook, line, and sinker. 
So, you've been in and out of cults for most of your
adult life. But for what purpose? You must have
spent thousands of dollars on cult activities! Why
would a sane person give the Marshy $5,000 like you
did to learn how to bounce on foam? You bought into
the cults, hook, line, and sinker. You probably gave
that Fred fellow at least $50,000! Man, if you had
any smarts you'd go see a psychiatrist or at least
an exit counselor. For Chrissakes, Barry, you could
be a home-owner by now with a savings account for
your retirement. Instead, you're still dabbling in
cultic activities and having to key in computer code
to pay your apartment rent. What's fascinating is not 
the cult, but how you got hooked for so many years.

"Finally, others stripped voluntarily and Trungpa, 
apparently satisfied, said 'Let's dance' (Marin, 

Read more:

'Stripping the Gurus'

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