(the question marks are an artifact of copying the email, sorry.)

Incense Soothes the Minds of Mice … and Men? 

Scientists finds that brain-mood benefits lie behind the ancient
spiritual use of incense 
by Craig Weatherby 

 Spiritual seekers of all stripes have long employed incense as a
soothing, renewing, inspiring balm for the soul.  And scent scientists
note that aromas light up the olfactory bulb … the only part of the
human brain that extends beyond the skull.  In this sense, they say
that scents can literally change your mind.  Now, biologists may have
learned one reason why.  An international team of researchers from the
U.S. and Israel report that burning frankincense – resin from the
ancient medicinal Boswellia plant – activates ion channels in the
brain in ways known to alleviate anxiety and depression (Moussaieff A
et al. 2008).  
Key Points 

Study in mice indicates how and why compounds in incense fumes
alleviate anxiety and depression. 

Aromatic agent in Frankincense affected mouse brain areas involved in
emotions and nerve circuits affected by anxiety/depression drugs. 

Frankincense agent also activated a protein that plays a role in the
skin's perception of warmth.

According to co-author Raphael Mechoulam, 'We found that incensole
acetate, a Boswellia resin constituent … lowers anxiety and causes
antidepressant-like behavior.' (FASEB 2008)


When the researchers administered incensole acetate to mice, it
significantly affected brain areas involved in emotions and nerve
circuits affected by current anxiety and depression drugs. 


Specifically, incensole acetate activated a protein called TRPV3,
which is present in mammalian brains and known to play a role in the
perception of warmth of the skin. 


This finding suggests that relief from depression and anxiety – and
possible sources of new drugs to combat these conditions – may lie in
this ancient, aromatic element of myriad churches, temples, and yogi


As the authors wrote, 'Our results … may provide a biological basis
for deeply rooted cultural and religious traditions.'


Gerald Weissmann, M.D., Editor-in-Chief of The FASEB Journal, which
published the study, made this comment in a press release:
'The discovery of how incensole acetate, purified from frankincense,
works on specific targets in the brain should also help us understand
diseases of the nervous system. This study also provides a biological
explanation for millennia-old spiritual practices that have persisted
across time, distance, culture, language, and religion — burning
incense really does make you feel warm and tingly all over.' (FASEB 2008)


Indeed, ancient tradition suggests that perfumed smoke may lift our moods.


Before reaching for marginal, potentially problematic medicines like
Prozac, it seems worth trying incense … plus omega-3s, exercise,
positive thinking, and socializing!




Moussaieff A, Rimmerman N, Bregman T, Straiker A, Felder CC, Shoham S,
Kashman Y, Huang SM, Lee H, Shohami E, Mackie K, Caterina MJ, Walker
JM, Fride E, Mechoulam R. Incensole acetate, an incense component,
elicits psychoactivity by activating TRPV3 channels in the brain.
FASEB J. 2008 May 20. [Epub ahead of print] 
FASEB. Incense is psychoactive: Scientists identify the biology behind
the ceremony. Accessed online July 12, 2008 at

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