> > It doesn't really explain how mantras came to be
> > so powerful, if indeed they are actually different
> > from any other randomly chosen sound.
> > technique is? Difficult to know but even the
> > geographic whereabouts of early spiritual (cultures
> > would be interesting.
According to Maharishi's teaching, the mantras came from the earliest 
time on earth, from Seers of the Vedas.
The name/form concept is very important to understand in terms of the 
In those early days, according to Maharishi, the atmosphere was pure 
enough, and the Sages attuned enough, that cognition of the sound or 
vibration was exactly equal to it's counterpart, whether physical or 
So, it appears that Maharishi used the most universal mantras, 
because he believed in 'safety first'...
The mantras used relate to the Goddess Saraswati, Godhead Rama, 
Vishnu manifestation Krishna, and perhaps a few others, which I don't 
know about.
These mantras are called 'bija' mantras or 'seed' mantras...
As they are the simplest sound/vibration of that aspect of nature.
Maharishi seemed to relate all of these deities to aspects of 
The Laws of Nature...
And, therefore, when one became attuned or vibrated with these 
aspects of nature, then one would become 'attuned to all the laws of 
nature' and 'sponaneous support of those laws of nature would arise 
to fulfill your every desire.

Now, all of this information, and cogniton of the Vedas, according to 
Maharishi, happened long ago, and far away, on the 'time-line 

So, much of the attempt of Maharishi, was to purify the earth enough, 
or at least a portion of it, so that one could transcend the chaos of 
the present day, and it's lack of attunement to nature, and to give 
people the experience of those early days of pure earth, pure 
intention, beautiful time, on earth.

So, when he referred to a time on earth, where we could live heaven 
on earth.
He was also referring to a past time, from where these teachings come.

As far as finding a more 'powerful mantra' somewhere;
Where would you look?
The bija mantras that Maharishi chose, makes sense to me.
They are the most universal;
But more importantly...
The use of the mantra, the effortless technique is the main 
difference between Maharishi's teaching, and the main thrust of the 
power of the teaching.
The downfall of the movement, in retro-spect came when it strayed 
from effortlessness, naturalness and became contrived.
When the movement became more concerned with power, than with peace.

Politically that is the period we are coming through now.
You can associate the change in the TM movement with the political 
change to Reagan in the 80's...
This is when the movement and America lost it's 'innocence' and 
became possessed with other things.
Corporatization of America, strange video games, and a sort of anti-
counter culture movement, which gave rise to all kinds of extremes, 
in the TM movement, as well as a brittleness to American culture, 
which continues today.
An inflexibility, stubborness and arrogance.
Anyway, a few thoughts I was pondering today...

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