shempmcgurk wrote:
> There is the old adage: a judge is held to a higher standard when he
> breaks the law than a regular citizen.
> I am not 100% vegetarian.  I eat red meat occasionally.  Maybe about
> once every two months.
> But if I subscribe to Guru Dev's discourse on the holiness of cows (see
> below), am I sinning more with my occasional eating of red meat than,
> say, the Joe-Six-Pack guy on the street who is ignorant of the holiness
> of cows and eats a Big Mac every day?
Back in 1973 when I played a gig in Phoenix we used to go out to Tempe 
to a natural food restaurant that severed range fed beef burgers which 
were very juicy and good with whole wheat bun and sprouts.  Probably not 
there anymore.

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