And maybe you should have added John Edwards having an affair while  
his wife battles cancer.  Or maybe the baby John Edwards had with 
mistress. Or maybe John Edwards telling everyone that "they" are the 
only one he has confided some personal details about his son's 
death.  Oh yea, family values.  The dems really personify them.

> Edwards is the Dem nominee?

No Lawson, he's not.  But when Sal decided to come down on McCain 
for dumping his first wife, and touted Obama's successful marriage, 
and then sacastically referred to the Republicans as the party 
of "family values", I thought I'd hi-light the recent revelations of 
John Edwards having an affair while his wife battles cancer.  An 
affair he's had for four years, and may even have produced a baby.

Hey, guess what.  Edwards is a lawyer.  If the allegations are 
untrue, maybe he knows someone that can refute them and go after the 
Enquirer.  That is, since according to Sal, the accusations are so 

Lawson, let's call it like it is.  

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