babajii wrote:
> Dennis Kucinich began inquiring again into 
> impeachment for this criminal President Bush.
Have there been any court charges filed against 
the president? I think not.

> Hopefully, some of the rest of Congress will 
> have the 'balls' to follow this through.
The U.S. Congress voted to fund the war, right?

> President Bush needs to be impeached, and held 
> for murder charges.
In a democracy, usually murder charges come BEFORE 
the impeachment trial, Sir.

> He has led this country into the abyss.
But, apparently we are winning the war in Iraq
- the surge worked. What's up with that?

> I pray that either before or soon after 
> Obama is elected that the precedent that 
> Bush and his morons have created is smashed.
Is Obama against the war? I think not - he
recently proposed sending MORE U.S. troops to 
the Middle East.

> He is absolutely the most irresponsible leader 
> since the days of Rome and Caligula.
'Caligula', the third Roman Emperor, was assasinated
in a conspiracy involving members of the Roman 

> Actually I believe he is a reincarnation of 
> Caligula.
Almost the entire U.S. Congress voted to authorize
the president to use force against the Iraq regime.

Over 50% of voting Americans re-elected Bush for a
second term AFTER the Iraq invasion.

The U.S. Congress has voted to fund the war for the
past five years or more.

The war in Iraq is under a United Nations mandate.

But you and Dennis want to impeach the duly elected 
president of the Untied States in the middle of a 
war because you two believe that the president is 
the 'reincarnation' of Caligula? 

Put down the pipe, Mr. Babaji! 

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