--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams" 
> > > Over 50% of voting Americans re-elected Bush for 
> > > a second term AFTER the Iraq invasion.
> > > 
> Brian wrote: 
> > Richard, the point is that this support was won by 
> > Bush based on lies and deliberate misrepresentation 
> > of CIA intelligence briefings. 
> >
> You are incorrect, Brian - John Kerry had the same
> CIA intelligence that Bush got, and he said Iraq 
> was a threat to U.S. security. He voted to use force
> in order to find out if Saddam had weapons of
> mass destruction. Kerry, Edwards, and Clinton all
> voted to invade Iraq and depose Saddam.

This is incorrect, as you've been told many times

Here's complete text of the AUMF:


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