> > Everyone knows that Jesus' mantra 
> > of God was the Tetragrammaton, the Shema:
> >
Judy wrote:
> The Tetragrammaton is the four Hebrew letters 
> YHWH, a proper name for God, usually spelled out 
> in English as "Yahweh" (sometimes "Jehovah"); 
> the Shema is a confession of faith. Two entirely 
> different things.
The Shema is the Jesus mantra of God; God doesn't 
have a name, that's why God is expressed as the 
Tetragrammaton - they are the same thing: One God, 
without a name. 

The Tetragrammaton is the symbol of God - the 
Schema is the mantra of God. There's no 'Hebrew' or
'English' in it.

> > "Hear, O Isreal: The Lord our God, the Lord is 
> > one!" (Deuteronomy 6:4)
> >

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