On Jul 29, 2008, at 3:23 PM, authfriend wrote:

There are *zillions* of ground-level photos of people
walking around in the circles.

In *those* circles, Judy, the obviously PSed ones.

There are lots and lots
of *videos* shot at ground level of people walking
around in the circles.

See above.

I know the notion that there aren't really any crop
circles, just fake Photoshopped pictures, makes you
feel more safe and secure, Sal, and if you really
need to live in that kind of fantasy world, it's fine
with me.

Yeah, Judy, the idea of crap circles is just so terrifying
I need to retreat into fantasy at the mere thought.

If you can get up your courage to bust out of that
fantasy, though, I'll be happy to give you some
links. But it'll have to wait, because this is my
50th post for the week, and I'm going out of town;
not sure exactly when I'll be back, maybe Sunday.

I've looked at the links you've already posted, Judy--no sale.

Have a good trip.


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