--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> shempmcgurk wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
> >   
> >> Where he belongs for the rest of his life!  Go to:
> >> http://contemptforrove.com/
> >> And sign the petition.
> >>
> >>     
> >
> > The petition is not to throw Rove in jail but to support a 
> > of Congress resolution against Rove for not responding to a 
> > to appear before the Judiciary Committee.  Rove cited separation 
> > powers (Executive v. Legislative branches) and that the committee 
> > no power to compel him to appear.
> >   
> If the house passes the resolution then the House Sergeant-Of-Arms 
> the power to send out the Capital Hill Police and arrest him.  IOW, 
> will wind up in a cell in the jail in the basement of the Capital.  
> yes, he WOULD get thrown in jail.  But this bastard deserves much 
> than that as do Cheney and Dubya and that is the rest of their 
lives in 
> prison for the crimes they've committed.
> > Here's my question for you, Bhairitu:
> >
> > Since you are so eager for Rove to appear before the Committee 
> > testify -- and, indeed, to have him jailed "for the rest of his 
> > life!", no less, for not appearing -- how do you feel about the 
> > Hollywood Ten?  They were all subpoenaed to appear before a 
> > Congressional Committee to testify but were held in contempt for 
> > refusing to do so (they refused to answer the questions put 
> > them).
> >   
> At that time it was the screwball Joe McCarthy who was running the 
> show.  Those people didn't break any laws as Rove, Bush, Cheney et 
> have.  There was some ignorant people who thought that anyone who 
had a 
> mind was communist.  Boy would those folks love BushCo, the Fourth 

But, Bhairitu, the issue you brought up was throwing people who 
commit contempt of Congress in jail, which you are eager to do, and 
you cite quite specifically the procedure under law in which the 
Capital Hill Police can do that to Rove.

The Hollywood Ten -- whether you may thing them to be right or wrong 
or whether you sympathize with their politics -- were held in 
contempt of Congress and, as a result, jailed.  In fact, they 
appealed the conviction and brought the case to the Supreme Court and 
they lost.

So it is not an issue of whether you like or dislike Joe McCarthy or 
like or dislike Karl Rove but of the breaking of laws and the jailing 
of those that break those laws.

Again, I ask you a second time: to be consistent with your original 
argument, do you or do you not support the jailing of the Hollywood 

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