
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> I think the bottom line in this discussion is 
> that two people who have never been TM teachers,
> have never lived in Fairfield and been subject
> to these Inquisitions, and for that matter have
> never done diddleysquat for MMY or the TM move-
> ment in their entire lives are saying that it's 
> OK for the TM movement to make lifestyle demands. 

Anyone who has actually read what Lawson and I have
been saying knows Barry's lying about it. We've both
been explicit that what we aren't condemning is the
policy regarding TM teachers only. Lawson made an
excellent logical case for it, which Barry hasn't
been able to address at all; he has to resort to
claiming Lawson and I believe Lawson's argument
applies across the board, when Barry knows otherwise.

Moreover, he's also lying in his description of us.
Both of us *have* spent time doing things for the
movement. Lawson's done a lot, and Barry's well
aware of that because Lawson has talked about his
TMO-related activities often here and on alt.m.t.

I've done much less, but I know I've mentioned
assisting at initiations and manning the center
reception desk. Barry also knows I spent months
living at the TM facility at Asbury Park back in
1995 and interacting with the resident TM lifers
there, so I'm quite familiar with how the movement
operates in terms of lifestyle requirements.

> After all, it's not *their* lifestyle that
> is being impacted.

Actually both Lawson and I have been subject
to it.

> People who make excuses for tyrants have rarely
> experienced tyranny themselves. 
> Please remember, no matter how much doubletalk
> is thrown out, that what these two people are
> essentially saying is that the TM movement is
> RIGHT in saying that seeing any other spiritual
> teacher is a crime punishable by banishment.

No, that isn't what either of us have said, and
Barry knows it.

> They'll try to dazzle you with nitpicky argu-
> ments and distractions,

Barry's talking about the entirely logical case
Lawson made for requiring TM teachers not to be
seen consorting with the competition, something
that is pretty standard in any large organization.
Barry, of course, cannot address that argument.

 but that's really the
> stance they're taking. They're *defending* the 
> people who think they have the right to control 
> other people's lives.

Organizations have the right to require that their
official representatives not behave publicly in a
manner that the organization feels puts the
organization in a bad light, yes indeed.

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