 the name barack has jewish
> origins and according to the logic of the right that proves that he 
> jewish just as his muslim sounding middle name proves he is muslim.  
What a shame! Such foolishness!
Jesus was Jewish, The Christian God is a Jew...
Abraham was the father of two sons-
One started the Jewish religion;
One started the Islamic religion;
The difference between Islam and Christian-
Islam believe in revenge, Christianity believes in forgivenss.

Barack Obama is someone who is walking the walk of what Jesus taught.
He is challenging the power structure, just as Jesus did.
Jesus was crucified by the power structure, because he threatened it.
Barack is also a threat to the power structure;
But because 'The Empire' call the United States-
Then there is HOPE.
Barack Obama is the HOPE of the World!
Wake up and smell the coffee//
was up wi dat bros?
Don't be such wimpy noodle nogans.
Black is beautiful...

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