Is Hillary Clinton saying Goodbye or is she getting ready to rise 
above the Ashes?

                                   Pluto turning direct for a Female Politician

                                                By Lou Valentino


Dear friends of Astrological Varieties and spiritual friends of yoga and higher 


Forgive me but I need to vent which is a part of my right to free speech.


If you are for Senator Obama you must be thrilled. Even John McCain is 
thrilled. You have everything you wanted. He say’s women should have equal 
rights to men. That he can unify the Democratic Party. That he can heal racial 
tensions in America. That the Democratic Party can win with enough votes in 
November. That he will stop the Iraq war in 16 months.


I can forgive him. After all he is born under the sign of Leo and has Uranus, 
Mercury and  North Node in Leo. And with Aquarius rising he wants to do his own 
thing and be original. Carly Simon has the perfect song for the less than 
positive side of the Leo man; You’re so vain you probably think this song is 
about you.


Obama’s Moon in Gemini in the 4th house squaring his natal Pluto in the 7th 
shows his inability to forgive his mother. The Moon is the natural ruler of the 
fourth house and signifies the Mother in a man’s chart. He views his mother as 
being emotionally restless and unable to settle down in her life. According to 
her story which he won’t write this is true.


The Moon square to Pluto in the 7th house of marriage shows he did not feel 
comfortable with the marriage choices his mother made. This clearly shows he is 
uncomfortable around females who have acquired power. This was the main reason 
that he could not pick Hillary as his running mate. He sided with his male 
side. The male energy wins again. Or does it?


The 18 million people who voted for Hillary are not happy and her speech on 
August 26th, Tuesday night shows the Moon placed in Cancer and in her first 
house. This speech will show 




an emotional side to Hillary Clinton as the Moon in Cancer makes her feel 
personally emotional about her patriotism. America is born under the sign of 


Pluto not only rules Scorpio which Hillary Clinton is born under but when it 
moves into the 7th house of the public it gives power to the individual. Pluto 
is the transformer. Pluto will turn direct on September 9, 2008 and move into 
Hillary Clinton’s 7th house on November 21st, 2008. On October 23rd Pluto 
conjuncts her natal Jupiter giving her good luck.


Although the media and the Obama campaign have taken over the Democratic Party 
it is still the people who vote who win elections for others. Joe Biden is no 
spring chicken. He will not be able to get Pennsylvania and other swing states 
the votes that Hillary Clinton had already gotten. 


I am predicting that something will stop Senator Obama from winning the 
nomination and it’s not just John McCain. It is a combination of a few things. 
Legal issues of authentic citizenship in America, his V.P. choice fragmenting 
the Hillary Clinton voters and his inability to get the Latino vote in Florida 
and California. His own choices made in hast (Moon in Gemini) will come back to 
haunt him. I don’t see him legally on the ballot in every state. And I don’t 
see him being the uniter but the divider when it comes to racial issues. 


Obama supporters don’t care about the Democratic Party. All they care about is 
their own votes and anyone else who voted for Hillary Clinton is just a mistake 
within the Democratic Party that never should have happened. They say Hillary 
Clinton is corrupt. As if all of the men in the history of American politics 
have all been angels. What a sexist country we live in. Vote more men in and 
continue the tradition of war and domestic violence against both women and 


And don’t forget, when their having their monthly cycle they should stay home 
and god forbid they can enter a temple or church in some countries. Women can’t 
be leaders of religious services and they can’t chant the Vedas. Don’t put them 
near those shaved headed Budhists. They are lucky they can even vote since the 
early 1900’s they didn’t have that right.


People say give it up. We don’t need Hillary Clinton. We need change in 
America. She’s hard, unfeeling and even women say I want a women in the white 
house but not her. She’s been a part of the system for too long. But - Joe 
Biden can take her place. After all he is a man so we can overlook his long 
history including voting for the Iraq war. The very issue that most Obama 
voters complained about when it came to Hillary Clinton. 







Hillary Clinton voters have a right to speak out and the cages that they have 
set up at the DNC for Clinton voters who speak out is a clear signal from Obama 
and his voters that something is very wrong and disturbing with the DNC and the 
party as a whole. For every Obama fan who thinks I should put a lid on it I say 
………………………………………………… You know what I mean.


And so here are my last thoughts and feelings. If Obama voters say they are 
sensitive, want change, are for equality among human beings, want to heal 
racial tensions, want to end the war in Iraq, want to unify the Democratic 
Party, want to beat John McCain then what the hell is Obama thinking when he 
turns away 18 million voters.


And another thing I hear from Obama supporters is: IT’S HIS DICISION. IT’S UP 
TO HIM. I thought it was up to the voters as to who is selected. The 18 million 
voters wanted Hillary on the ticket. Obama has violated the very foundation of 
the power of the voter with his own isolated choice he made over the last two 
months. And he wants to change things? He can’t even run with a white women and 
he’s for equality? The blind lead the blind. 


So, tune in to her speech tonight August 26th and give her some respect for her 
last words. And let’s see what the reaction is from the audience. Maybe they 
will throw some of the Hillary voters in those cages they have set up in the 
parking lot. Mercury will square Pluto on Wednesday night. Look for the next 
two DNC nights to be Moonstruck. 


The very best to the political process and may the best man win. God knows it 
won’t be a women since American’s can’t handle her power including the women 
who can’t stand Hillary Clinton. 


I just pray the spaceships land before men blow the whole human race up.


Love and Light,

Lou Valentino - aha




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