--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Pluto turning direct for a Female Politician
> By Lou Valentino
> Dear friends of Astrological Varieties and spiritual friends 
> of yoga and higher learning’s,
> Forgive me but I need to vent which is a part of my right to 
> free speech.

Lou, you'll have to forgive *me*, but I need to check 
with you to see who the word "I" refers to in this post.
You have a tendency to pass along supposed messages from
people from outer space, who spell and use punctuation 
just as badly as you do, so I'm a little confused.

Does this "venting" message come from Lou the astrologer
who lives in Fairfield, or from one of your Pleiadian 
friends who look like "big verginas?" 

If it's from you, and you still don't know how to tell 
the difference between a vagina and a "vergina" at your 
age, I can fully understand why you need to vent.

On the other hand, if this is another channeled message
from the Pleiadians, what have *they* got to "vent" about?

Aren't you the one who is always passing advice along
from them, as if they have everything all figured out and
are so much more advanced than we are? If they still need 
to "vent," then why should we pay any attention to anything 
they tell us? They're just as fucked up as humans are.

So please, in the future, can you be specific as to which
of your multiple personalities is doing the "venting?" 

<snip to>
> The 18 million people who voted for Hillary are not happy and her 
> speech on August 26th, Tuesday night shows the Moon placed in 
> Cancer and in her first house. This speech will show an emotional 
> side to Hillary Clinton as the Moon in Cancer makes her feel 
> personally emotional about her patriotism. 

You don't think it's going to make her so emotional that
she needs to "vent," do you? 

If she did that, it would be difficult for us earthlings 
to tell the difference between her and a Pleiadian. You 
tell us that they look like "big verginas," and most people
in America already think of Hillary an enormous cunt, so
how are they going to tell the difference?

Now that I think about it, would it be more embarrassing 
for Hillary to be mistaken for a Pleiadian or for a 
Pleiadian to be mistaken for Hillary?

Curious minds want to know...

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