For all accounts Obama did all of the below but did not move..?????? Who are 
they polling?
                                        By Dick Morris                          

agrees that when Barack Obama finishes his historic outdoor acceptance
speech on Thursday night and the 75,000 adoring fans in attendance
finally quiet down, he will bounce up in the polls, likely to as much
as a 10-point lead or even more.
Obama is at his best when delivering a telepromptered speech to a
large and enthusiastic crowd. What would be a major task for some is
just batting practice for this skilled orator. But how long will his
bounce last?
To make it stay and not let McCain dissipate it with the Republican
convention that will follow hard on the heels of the Democratic
gathering, Obama needs to give a State of the Union speech, not a
campaign speech, to his national television audience.

His trademark dialogue with his audience, in which they take turns
repeating lines like “Yes we can” or “Not this time,” works well on a
sweaty primary night when Obama declares victory, but it won’t be
enough on Thursday night. His Berlin speaking style, threading the
needle and walking the tightrope between policy options and broad
principles with which no one can really disagree, will also lead to a
quickly fading bounce. He may satiate his partisan audience, but he
will not prevent the electorate from feeling a hunger for substance the
next day.
Rather, Obama’s model should be Al Gore’s acceptance speech in 2000
or Bill Clinton’s in 1996. Both were virtual State of the Union
speeches, delivered to an audience rather than to Congress, but
televised and just as widely seen. In those speeches, his predecessors
canvassed each aspect of public policy and articulated a program or
initiative to move it forward. Each topic got its paragraph, punctuated
at the end with an applause line. Then came a transition sentence into
the next topic. This rote formulation, repeated over and over, sounds
boring to speechwriters and may lack the emotional eloquence for which
Obama is famous, but the time has come for the Democratic candidate to
answer the question being asked about him all over: in effect, where’s
the beef?
For his acceptance speech to carry him over through the week of the
Republican convention and into the fall, it has to be a compendium of
policy departures, outlining, in specifics, what he plans to do as
president. He must lay out his future course plainly and in detail.
Rhetorical flourishes will not serve as a replacement for hard
proposals. To quote Obama, “Not this time!”
Television commentators may deplore the laundry list approach to
such a speech, and his audience may find itself less moved or thrilled
than usual, but he’ll just have to disappoint the folks. America knows
that Obama offers hope and change and fresh approaches. But we don’t
know what that means. We don’t understand exactly where he will take
us, and his recent flipping and flopping obscures whatever clarity we
might once have had.
But now Obama can set us straight and give himself an enduring
platform for the rest of his campaign. In the primaries, Hillary was
the candidate of issues and Obama was the voice of hope. When Clinton
was expounding upon the details of her healthcare plan, Obama was
soaring in his rhetoric promoting change. That was good enough for the
primaries. But it won’t work in this speech. Can Obama do it? “Yes, he
can.” But will he?

--- On Tue, 9/2/08, bettyblue109 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: bettyblue109 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama's bounce smaller than others
Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 1:40 PM

Louis read this, it explains why Obama did not bounce:

--- In, Louis McKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> I dont understand the polls how is it that a guy can have 84000 
people in a foot ball stadium have all the things in the convention 
and not move in the polls... Even McCain can have this stupid 
situation with the bimbo and still the polls dont change.?????
> --- On Tue, 9/2/08, Tom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Obama's bounce smaller than others
> To:
> Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 1:15 PM
> I'm wondering if Judy wasn't right all along.
> Maybe Hillary was the better choice all along
> and Barack is unelectable.  The way this is, 
> McCain won't even need to fix the Diabold
> machines.
> "Barack Obama's post-Democratic National Convention bounce in the
> polls appears to be 
> slightly smaller than the norm of past conventions, and it's 
> depreciating."
> "On Saturday, Gallup reported Obama was ahead by 8 percentage 
points. By
> Monday, that 
> lead had shrunk to 5 points. "
> " Obama's 3-point bounce exceeds that of John F. Kerry, the 
> presidential 
> nominee in 2004 who did not rise in the polls following his 
convention. But
> Obama's 
> bounce is less than a third of what Al Gore received in 2000 and 
Bill Clinton
> received in 
> 1992. Even Bob Dole, following the 1996 Republican convention, 
received a
> 4-point 
> bounce in the polls, 1 point more than Obama."
> ------------------------------------
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